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2002-10-12 00:47:48


好累喔... 真的好累喔..... 但我不想睡 我想開車 真的好喜歡開車 開車 真的的可以讓我忘掉所有煩惱 不知道為什麼.... 希望 不要塞車 我 出去了 就醬. 掰.

2002-10-12 00:42:51


great. just great. you left. you just left. yes. i know the reason why you left. oh. how easy it is to guess. must be him again. that. sky. ......... great. 935am in the morning. i hop...

2002-10-12 00:36:44


好痛苦喔 真的好痛喔..... 真的 不想把這段寫下來.......... 因為 以後看到了 會很悲傷...... 但..... ......... ....... 唉 好希望 妳能知道 我有多心痛 好希望 妳能跟我說 他算什麼屁 早就不在...

2002-10-12 00:29:53


我想 我走不出他還在妳心中的陰影了.......................... 為什麼........... 要跟我說.............. 我真的可以感覺的到 他在妳心中有多重要.................... 這... 我要怎麼愛下去.............

2002-10-12 00:25:26


我在想 其他的文章 也是為他寫的吧??? 醬 我算什麼????????????? 認識了這麼短 就可以給妳那麼大的衝擊 妳就可以為他寫這麼多 ...... ............ .. 也許 他真的比較重要... 原想說 自己幻想著妳以前...

2002-10-12 00:19:59

call it quit.

i wanna call it quit you know? ........ these days... ....... nothing just seem to go well..... i wonder... what would you do if sky were to appear right infront of you again.. right now... i ...

2002-10-12 00:12:12


I never asked for this feeling I never thought I would fall I never knew how I felt Till the day you were gone I was lost.... I never asked for red roses I wasn't looking for love Someho...

2002-10-12 00:08:18


I never asked for this feeling I never thought I would fall ........ omg nicole. tell me more pls. i beg you. ........... .................... .... you cant stop rambling on about him. i...

2002-10-12 00:04:10

From the bottom of my broken heart..

"Never look back," we said how was I to know I'd miss you so? Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind Where do I go? And you didn't hear all my joy through my tears all my hopes through ...

2002-10-11 23:37:35

icq pauses.

whenever there is a pause between or during our chat... it is not because i am chatting with others... in fact, if there were a pause, it'd be due to the following reasons.... 1) i was sad to see t...

2002-10-11 16:00:25


sometimes, i really wonder whether or not i am worthy of your love, actually, scratch that. sometimes, i really wonder if i am worthy of anyone's love... you know, it really surprised me how you...

2002-10-11 15:27:42


i recently learnt this term from my IS (information systems) professor. it is actually a quiet interesting term to know. meta stands for all, or everything, while knowledge, of course, stands for w...

2002-10-10 23:17:30


Chaos14 (9:14 AM) : 妳今天逛街時.... 有沒有想我................... -------------- n (9:15 AM) : 逛街喔 哈哈 很忙耶 在家有啊 逛街人一堆 繁都快凡死 ........... ...................

2002-10-10 23:10:20


been trying to press this 'publish article' button for the last half hour or so... i am so tired.... so freakin tired.... i woke up having little memory of wut i did jus before i fell asleep... tot...

2002-10-10 19:52:12


作詞:秋元康/姚謙 作曲:見岳章 先別說 先別說 離開我的理由 反正都叫是相同的結果 擁抱著 擁抱著 沒開口淚先流 因為我學習著放手 多年後 多年後 也許不再傷痛 當我們已經失去了聯絡 可能你 可能...

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