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World-renowned scholar Edward Said dies

George Wright and agencies
Thursday September 25, 2003

Edward Said, the world-renowned scholar, writer and critic has died aged 67, it was announced today.
Said died at a New York hospital, his editor Shelly Wanger said. He had suffered from leukaemia since the early 1990s.

He was born in 1935 in Jerusalem - then part of British-ruled Palestine - and raised in Egypt before moving to the United States as a student. He was for many years the leading US advocate for the Palestinian cause.

His writings have been translated into 26 languages and his most influential book, Orientalism (1978), was credited with forcing Westerners to re-examine their perceptions of the Islamic world.

His works cover a plethora of other subjects, from English literature, his academic speciality, to music and culture. His later books include "Musical Elaborations" in 1991, and "Cultural Imperialism" in 1993.



台長: Lukacs
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