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2010-06-30 04:53:37| 人氣178| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Aberdeen travel

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I go to saint andrew's cathedral in Aberdeen.It's very beautiful church.

I read the visitor guide. I noice about a special thing. The church is surrounded by candlelight.I also pray for a while...

Prayer on lighting a candle....

Lord,may this candle that I lit,be a light form you to highten my way through difficulties and decisions.

May be it fire from you to burn up my selfishness,my pride and all that is impure within me.

May be it flame from you to warm my heart and teach me love...Lord I cannot stay long in your house.This candle is a little bit of myself that I offer to  you..

Help me to continue my prayer in all that I do today....



台長: Lovedrin


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