相信[106美國直購] Anker Ultra High Capacity 20100mAh Portable Charger Power Bank with 4.8A Output 便攜式充電器因該很多人都聽過也滿多人有購買,但是

Item specifics
New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See the seller's listing for full details. See all condition definitions
Compatible Brand:Universal
Type:Power Bank網拍
MPN:Does Not Apply
Product Details
The Anker Advantage: Join the 10 million+ powered by our leading technology.
Ultra-High Capacity: Upgraded from the PowerCore 16000, it charges the iPhone 6 seven times, the Galaxy S6 five times or the iPad mini twice. Safely recharges with a 2 amp output charger (most phone chargers have 1 amp output).
Fast Charging Technology: PowerIQ and VoltageBoost combine to deliver the fastest possible charge up to 2.4 amps per port or 4.8 amps overall. Input: 5V / 2A.
Certified Safe: Anker's MultiProtect safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices.
What You Get: Anker PowerCore 20100 Portable Charger, Micro USB cable, travel pouch, welcome guide, our fan-favorite 18-month warranty and friendly customer service.
Anker PowerCore 20100
Fast-charging, long-lasting, portable power.
From ANKER, America's Leading USB Charging Brand
- Faster and safer charging with our advanced technology
- 10 million+ happy users and counting
Ultra-High Capacity
Enough power to keep you going for days. Charge an iPhone 6 seven times, a Galaxy S6 five times or an iPad mini twice.
Fast Charging Technology
Exclusive to Anker, PowerIQ and VoltageBoost combine to ensure your devices charge at their their fastest possible charge speed.
Enormous 4.8A Output
Industry leading output of 4.8 amps provides enough power to simultaneously charge any combination of devices at full speed.
MultiProtect Safety System
Surge protection, short circuit protection and more advanced safety features keep you and your devices safe.
Matte Finish
Enhances grip and doesn't leave smudges or fingerprints.
World Famous Warranty
At Anker, we believe in our products. That's why we back them all with an 18-month warranty and provide fri刷卡限時購物回饋endly, easy-to-reach support.
For Optimal Use:
? Use the included cable, your original cable or a third-party certified one (such as MFi).
? Compatible with the new 12 inch MacBook, 2015 (USB-C cable needed), Apple and Android smartphones, tablets (including the Nexus 7) and other USB-charged devices except for the iPod nano, iPod Classic, HP TouchPad, Dell Venue 11 Pro, Asus tablets and some GPS and Bluetooth devices.
The Anker external battery is used as a backup power for your mobile device. There's no need to charge your devices through an electric outlet. Its small size allows you to carry the power source wherever you go. Say bye-bye to bulky chargers and a mess of external connecting cables from now on. You will love to have this along on your next trip.

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