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2023-01-12 21:20:08| 人氣9| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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There’s something about spring that makes me want to make everything with coconut. Of course, being the only coconut fan in our home makes it tough to justify going coconut crazy. I do not need to be left alone with a whole bunch of coconut goodness myob support!


But this weekend was Quinn’s birthday, and he was happily enjoying a little cheesecake as well as a birthday cake I made for the occasion. So it seemed like the perfect time to sneak in a little coconut treat.


This recipe uses unsweetened coconut, which I am liking more and more these days. It gives you the great flavor of coconut without the extra sweetness. (If you can’t find it locally, I highly recommend King Arthur Flour’s unsweetened coconut.) You can use that same coconut for the top, or go with the sweetened variety for a little extra sweet flavor foreign exchange services.


These little cakes are, in a word, delightful. They’re so wonderfully sweet and delicate. And I just adore how the coconut and almonds on top get a little toasty as the cakes bake!


I envision these cakes being served on a beautiful platter on a dessert table amidst other sweet offerings. Sure, they may look unassuming, especially next to a beautifully frosted layer cake or a gorgeous pie. But one bite of one of these little guys, and you’ll be shoveling them onto your plate and hoping everyone else sticks with that layer cake Quantity Surveying.

台長: lingshengty
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全站分類: 家庭生活(育兒、親子關係、婚姻)

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