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2010-03-30 15:19:42

Erika with "beard"

I don't have too much time and energy to update my blog recently. But, still want to upload three cute video clips here and share the funny things about ERika. We had a very yummy buffet dinner (j...

2010-03-30 15:18:55


我是一個從小就很愛吃雪糕的人,我相信我的女兒也會是一樣。 但我們在加拿大都’習慣’吃某些牌子的雪糕,總是覺得拿些才好吃。 在深圳和香港都有賣我們愛吃的那一個牌子。但因為它們都是進口的,所以價錢亦十分...

2010-03-30 15:18:09


怎辦? 我剛到書城買了一本書教父母怎樣教好小孩的IQ和EQ。 裡面有很多對孩子的’測試’我有點感到困惑。 例如她說:你的孩子可以懂得自己拿筷子進餐了嗎? 甚麼,這麼快便開始用筷子,我在想,她的手可...

2010-03-30 15:17:10


很久沒有更新我的日誌,原因有兩個: 1) 因為前十數天我和女兒都身在香港,沒有帶自己的電腦,不能方便地寫文章。 2) 回到深圳後卻又忙這忙那,到今天才有空坐下來寫一寫。 在香港的日子: 經過八號的...

2010-03-30 15:16:19

Typhoon in HK!

We are now in HK again, why? oh well, last week, we had a little gathering time with my cousin, because he will leave to Toronto and then ENgland very soon. So, we wanted to see him , other wise, we...

2010-03-30 15:15:24

I feel so guilty

I did a very bad job today...and felt so guilty.. you know what is it? I gave Erika a little hair cut.. but.. she moved.. and .... her right side forehead section is a bit too short.. it looks so w...

2010-03-30 15:14:37


媽媽今天和我一起弄餅餅,感覺和玩黏土很像,不過這個烤了之後可以吃。 我最喜歡Mickey Mouse, Minnie mouse 和小兔兔的造型。真好玩。 媽媽還讓我站在椅子上和她一起動手做餅餅。 我覺得自己好像長大了很多似的...

2010-03-30 15:13:25


剛剛過了的星期六,我帶著Erika 一起去了一條藝術街。那裡有好多小當口賣很多創作品。 我在那裡還找到一所有點像日本的無印良品店。它的名字叫 ”基本生活” (emoiLife)。設計很簡潔而且很實用的。 我買了好幾...

2010-03-30 15:12:40

nice weekend

We had a very nice weekend ... first of all, on Saturday, we stayed in ShenZhen, and we went to Shekou to find the shops that sell Foreign goods. They actually have Park n' shop (百佳) over there, ho...

2010-03-30 15:11:24

A little shopping today

I found some goodies today. Finally, I could able to find a yarn shop in Shenzhen. I searched it from the internet, and then I took the taxi to go there. WOW, when I saw "South Trading Market", I tho...

2010-03-30 15:10:33

Not ready yet

Mom and dad told me that they wanted to send me to the nursery, and we already did the body check and took pictures. However, yesterday, mommy said that they finally decided not to do that for now. Be...

2010-03-30 15:09:47

So happy

I am so happy today...! my dentist called me few seconds ago, and she spoke in Mandarin, the good thing is: She speaks slowly and I could understand everything. And she was so kind that she asked me ...

2010-03-30 15:09:00


今天我少了一隻牙。 事情是這樣的,我最近常有牙痛,在加拿大看過牙醫,但他還是找不到我有甚麼問題。上星期我發覺痛楚大了,兼且照一照鏡子才驚訝地發現我的牙竟斷開了兩半!很恐怖呢!醫生說我的情況應該是因為有...

2010-03-30 15:08:08

Meeting new friends here

I started to run around and see if there is any 'crafty' people around my place. YES! I found 2 in these two days! I knew one yesterday in a Silver clay jewelry making store, she is a very nice stor...

2010-03-30 15:07:19

Giving up a lot!

有很多人問我:「你放棄,捨棄,犧牲了很多,都是為了隨著丈夫到中國去,你的感覺如何?」 我會答: 「有捨必有得。我不把手上的東西放下,又怎能有手來拿新的東西呢?」 Many people asked me,'Lillian, you gave...

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