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2014-09-26 18:52:39| 人氣491| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wat I learned by an accidental fb issue

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Last nite I shut down my fb page cos of an accidental event. I dunno how to solve the problem n decided to close it. I was embarassed by the mistake caused by smartphone (never use phone to read fb msgs). Today, I m still pissed off by wat I did ( I accidentally touched invitation button n took it back immedietly). N said sorry to A in person who might received the unexpected invitation. Honesty is best policy, though it is bitter medicine.
{ Mistake} is bloodly horrible devil who haunts U n kill heart. Doing right things(effectiveness) is crucial important. Decision making matters.
{Keep positve thinking}when mistakes happen.

Bye facebook, Hello books.

台長: Louishakespeare
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