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2003-08-23 23:16:37| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The way! 

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I guess this is the way. The way to face the future together. If I can't talk to you today, good morning, good afternoon, and good night. I will be fine, indeed.

When talking about Time, the opinion of mine is opposite to yours. The moment I want to cherish always soon pass by. In the movie I told you, "Meet Joe Black", the Black woman said : We are all lonly at most of the time we live in the world. What we can do is that keep good scenes in our brain as we can. bala bala...(something simliar to these , but I say it in my own words.) I kept memorizing all good things to against all the sorrows in my life. I feel that some wound is comforted by you. Yes! you! Of course, I also hope I can do that for you, if you want.

台長: Lake
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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