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【好用商品推薦】Maxi-Cosi邁可適FamilyFix One安全設計組合套裝 必買哪裡買


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Maxi Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size Security Concept 設計式樣: Nomad Black · 2019

Travelling in a rear-facing mode up to four years

- The Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size security concept corresponds to the latest safety standards according to the i-Size norm.

The three components of this fabulous security concept consist of the infant car seat Rock, the follow-up child safety seat Pearl One i-Size and the FamilyFix One i-Size base. Being suitable for babies and children from birth up to an age of four years, this amazing set ensures a long service life and can be used with only one Isofix base for two age groups.

The trio for travelling safely in a rear-facing mode contains:

  • Maxi-Cosi infant car seat Rock

  • Maxi-Cosi child safety seat Pearl One i-Size

  • Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size base

Conforms to the Norm:

  • i-Size (R129)

The cosy infant car seat Rock features a comfortable seat insert which is suitable for being used during your baby's first couple of weeks and months. Innovative, shock-absorbing materials on the upper side wings of the infant car seat provide more security and protection in case of a side impact. The built-in five-point harness protects your little one right from the first day.

Children with a body height of 67 cm and up can switch to the Pearl One i-Size. The innovative "Easy-Out" harness as well as the simultaneous adjustment of headrest and harness provide high-quality user comfort. The backrest that can be adjusted into a recline position as well as the comfortable seat with soft belt pads supply your little one with a relaxed ride in your car.

Attaching the car seats via the Isofix system and by using the Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size base is not only safe but also super convenient. The easy handling delights and satisfies new parents right from the very first day. Due to the particularly easy-to-use Click-and-Go installation, you can attach the infant car seat as well as the follow-up child safety seat Maxi-Cosi Pearl One i-Size to the base with only one click. The visual and acoustic indicator tells you whether the car seats have been installed correctly so that the risk of misuse is minimised.

Improved safety standards provide additional protection for your child's head and neck. According to the i-Size norm it is compulsory for babies and infants to travel in a rear-facing mode.

Details of infant car seat Rock:

  • Group 0+, suitable for children with a body height 45 to 75 cm

  • Norm: i-Size/ R129
  • 特賣會團購熱門商品

  • Installation in rear-facing mode

  • Including seat insert and sun canopy

  • Three-point harness

  • Side protection system, shock-absorbing materials

  • Certified for being used on an airplane

  • Dimensions: W 44 x D 67 x H 37,5 - 56 cm

  • Weight: 3,9 kg

  • Made in Europe

Details of child safety seat Pearl One i-Size:必買哪裡買

  • Group 0/0+, suitable for children with a body height of 67 to 105 cm

  • Car seat is to be installed in a rear-facing mode only (up to a body height of 105 cm)

  • Improved safety standards provide better protection for child's head and neck

  • Innovative "Easy-Out" harness, five-point harness

  • Simultaneous adjustment of headrest and harness

  • Side protection system

  • Removable and washable cover

  • Dimensions: H 50 x W 47,5 x L 61 cm

  • Weight: 7,25 kg

Details of FamilyFix One i-Size base:

  • visual and acoustic indicator for correct installation




Maxi-Cosi邁可適FamilyFix One安全設計組合套裝





華女8大道被搶 失3000元名牌包


根據66分局消息,5日凌晨30分左右,一名48歲的華女獨自走在8大道上,當她行至56街路口後,一名騎著單車的陌生男子突然從她背後竄出來,一把奪走女子手中的路易威登(Louis Vuitton)名牌手袋,再沿著8大道快速逃走;受害者表示,除了被搶走的包價值3000元外,包內還有手機、錢包以及各種證件。



昨天上午,第五屆海峽兩岸(晉江·金井)圍頭七夕返親節,在晉江金井圍頭村舉行。農曆7月初7是中華民族的傳統節日七夕,選在這一天舉行的圍頭七夕返親節,創辦於2010年,是當地專為嫁到台灣的新娘們返鄉探親而設立的節日,每兩年一屆,至今已經連續舉辦五屆。本屆返親節上,來自台灣、金門、澎湖、馬祖等地100多位圍頭新娘全家回來,還有來自港澳台近300位姻親代表相聚圍頭。他們跨過鵲橋,度過了一次浪漫的集體約會。此後,他們還將參加徒步活動、親子夏令營等。返親節現已逐步打造成促進兩岸經濟社會融合發展的平台,成為了兩岸民間「姻親、宗親、鄉親」交流的一個閃亮的品牌。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 七夕返親節的舉辦地晉江金井圍頭村,位於福建泉州東南沿海圍頭半島突出部,是大陸距離大金門最近的地方。8月5日,福建向金門供水工程正式通水,輸水管道就是從圍頭下海。目前,圍頭村共有146對兩岸夫妻,其中嫁過去137人,娶過來9人,是名副其實的「兩岸通婚第一村」。伴隨七夕,昨晚,由海峽衛視製作團隊打造的大型實景主題晚會「海峽情抒」,在圍頭金沙灣海角盛大上演。整台晚會圍繞著七夕返親節主題,分為「海角溯源」、「海峽情緣」、「海絲夢圓」三個篇章進行,著力呈現出「幸福安康,團圓和美」的節日氣氛。晚會在大型開場舞蹈「金鳴輝煌」中拉開序幕,葉佳修、凌峰等台灣藝人先後登台,表演「鄉間小道」、「船歌」、「愛拼才會贏」等多首兩岸民眾耳熟能詳的經典歌曲,引發現場觀眾強烈共鳴。晚會尾聲,天燈伴隨新編的晚會主題曲「回到故鄉」緩緩升起,觀眾紛紛點亮手機,與演出人員一起營造溫馨浪漫的感人情景,現場氣氛達到最高潮。晚會舞台以當年海邊遺留的砲台為背景,在圍頭金沙灣海角的海灘上實景搭建而成。在燈光特效的襯托下,晚會台臺與自然景觀渾然一體。今年適逢「八二三」砲戰一甲子,往昔冷酷的砲台,變成靚麗的舞台,在場觀眾感慨,歷史滄桑巨變中,和平發展才是兩岸民眾最大的嚮往和追求。

Maxi-Cosi邁可適FamilyFix One安全設計組合套裝

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