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2010-02-23 18:15:22| 人氣708| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

BAFTA, Colin Firth

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BAFTA今年男女主角都頒給英國人,最大贏家是Avatar 導演James Cameron的前妻Kathryn Bigelow拍的The Hurt Locker,8項提名中得到6個獎項,包括最佳影片及最佳導演

設計師Tom Ford執導的A Single Man幫Colin Firth拿下最佳男主角

Colin Firth的得獎感言超有趣

What Tom Ford doesn't know is that I have the email in my outbox

telling him that I couldn't possibly do this. I was about to send it when

a man came to repair my fridge, and what I don't know clearly is

what's best for me, so I would like to thank the FRIDGE GUY, and

Tom, someone who I think does know what's best for me, and a lot

of us... actually i think, encounter with Tom Ford is to come away

feeling resuscitated, little more worldly, better informed, better

groomed, more fragrant, and more nominated than one's ever

been before!

台長: 視覺系動物


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