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2004-06-14 11:06:43| 人氣80| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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(JUNE 9, 下圖) Wolf Blitzer, CNN Anchor: Anderson, I kept being riveted by Mrs. NANCY REAGAN. This is a woman, A VERT, VERY FRAIL-LOOKING WOMAN, YET SHOWING SO MUCH STRENGTH. When she was in that rotunda, look at this, when she was with the casket touching that American flag, the flag that flew over the capitol the day her husband was inaugurated president on January 20, 1981.

SHE KEPT TOUCHING IT. SHE KEPT LOOKING AT IT. It was so painful though, I suspect, for her because after a little while she just sort of glanced back and asked the major general to go ahead and help her go back. There's the Vice President Dick Cheney who was escorting her away from that casket but she shows -- she has shown so much strength throughout these days since last Saturday when the president passed away.

這是最精緻的Reality Show

讓更盛大的D-Day 60週年紀念

Aaron Brown在一週
以這樣的結語結束週五(JUNE 11)的NewsNight:

"Next week, we go back to the normal business of life, of dealing with wars and peace and terror and the economy and campaigns and all the rest. But this week was something special and different, and it was an honor to share it with you each night."


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