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2005-11-13 10:57:17| 人氣40| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

羅比威廉斯 ㄉ Make me pure

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Make Me Pure 原諒我
So I sing a song 我又唱起這歌
To reel ‘em in 又碎碎唸的唱著
It’s a song I’ve sung before and a song I’m going to sing again
這首我曾唱過 而現在又要再唱一遍的歌
I mean every word and I don’t mean a single one of them. 字字句句都是真心話 但我無意冒犯
Oh Lord make me pure but not yet喔 天啊 原諒我 好嗎?

Tell a joke 一個冷笑話
Tell it twice 說不了第二遍
If no one else is laughing then why am I? 如果全場沒人想笑 我幹嘛自討沒趣
I split my sides both times and laugh until I cry 要是我能坐在台下 早就笑翻到流眼淚
Oh Lord please make me pure but not yet喔 天啊 原諒我 好嗎?

I don’t have to try 老實講我沒打拼過
I just dial it in 我只要動動小指頭
I’ve never found a job that for me was worth bothering
I’ve got a ton of selfish genes and lazy bones beneath this skin
我只有成千上萬的自私基因及懶骨頭 但我還是紅了
Oh Lord make me pure but not yet喔 天啊 原諒我 好嗎?

Smoking kills 濺血的新聞
Sex sells 廉價的情色
I’ve got one hand in my pocket but the other one looks cool as hell
我一面裝作毫不在乎 又一面爽到暗自叫好
I know I’m going to die so my revenge is living well 嗝屁在所難免 所以更要活的精采
Oh Lord make me pure but not yet喔 天啊 原諒我 好嗎?

I stopped praying so I hope this song will do 因為我不再禱告 所以我以歌告解
I wrote it all for you 寫這首歌我全為了妳
I’m not perfect, but you don’t mind that, do you? 我不完美 但反正妳也不在意 不是嗎?
I know you’re there to pull me through 我知道我們能心意相通
Aren’t you? 不是嗎?

So I look for love 為了一份真愛
I like the search 我願不停尋找
And I’ve been standing for election all across the known universe
為我的第一夫人而奮戰 我願宇宙選透透
Every president gets the country she deserves 只為凍蒜一片江山獻給她
Oh Lord make me pure but not yet 喔 天啊 原諒我 好嗎?

I’ve been seeing 但我曾經惹上
Somebody’s wife 有夫之婦
She said she’d leave him for me, and I said that wasn’t wise
她說要為我離開他 我說這真不聰明
You can’t lie to a liar, because of all the lies 請別對著愛情騙子說謊 因為全都是虛情假意
Oh Lord please make me pure but not yet 喔 天啊 原諒我 好嗎?

台長: ♥㌔ 晴子-*
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