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2004-03-05 23:16:33| 人氣54| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wanna Support

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Today, I have finished PHY.CHEM quiz....umum...
so far so good la...
XXXX 3 MC lei~~~
TA marked it in a v.fast speed ....3:00pm QUIZ 5:00pm marked it all....
STRONG AR~~!!!!!
ANywya..I think I catch most of the concept lei~~~even I got a not v high marks....>^^
I think I need add oil in the next QUIZ....no.1 in the class is my target lei~~~hee~~~~

In wed,I chatted with Man ,CURD , Kin , KEI for nearly 3 hr at night ar~~~
the first time chat with jongmates about some issue not related to jong for nearly 3 hrs~~~
haha.....it was a good time...haha....
Being a IVP of a House....haha.....I think I am not so good ....
For the duties of assist Chairperson and being a EXCO,I think I do.. not bad,however,handle some internal problem....
I always use some indirect method to solve it.....in fact..I think it is not the best method........haha....if my jongmates can see this diary,I hope they can forgive me la.....I want to say"I really 've done many things to make HOUSE II run v.smooth........I've try my best...."
Ofcos,I know many of my jongmates also pay many and many effort and time to House II la...I think others can know this......Anyway,all jongmates.....THZ AR~~!!!!!

umum...next sem. I will go to IED,I need to face a new life .....
haha...I miss my jongmates lei~~~~~
In this year,I always saw them , whatever lunch dinner ,mid-night...haha....I hope we can keep in touch la....>^^

If I want find someone really understand me and give support to me......
can't I????

台長: BiGnOsE
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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