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Hartan Pram Racer GTS 設計式樣: 624 · 2019
Hartan's pram Racer GTS features ultimate comfort and trendy design and is super easy to use. Its extra-large single swivel wheels
contribute to its manoeuvrability so that you can master any strolls even on rough surfaces. The premium aluminium chassis is particularly light and tough. Air chamber wheels as well as the wheels' suspension provide optimum road holding and level out any irregularities. The single swivel wheels make the Racer GTS to an ideal off-road pram. Depending on the surface you are driving on you can easily lock the wheels within seconds.
When combined with the Hartan soft carrycot, multi-functional carrycot or foldable carrycot you can easily transform the Racer GTS into a
full multi-functional pram which is suitable right from birth. A
five-point harness as well as a safety bar prevents your little one from standing up or falling out. In order to get in and out of the pram effortlessly, the Racer GTS features a safety bar that can be removed or opened to the side. The
backrest can be adjusted in different levels supplies your child with maximum seating lying comfort. The backrest can be adjusted single-handedly - this way, your little one can cuddle up and take a nap whenever he or she wants to. The
height-adjustable footrest grows with your child and adds some more comfort to your everyday strolls. The soundless adjustable canopy features UVP 50+ and protects your child from direct sunlight and wind.
The Hartan Racer GTS features a compact folded size and can be equipped with a handbrake if required. The
seat unit can be removed and set up in a reversed direction easily. This way, you can decide whether your little one faces you or the world around in driving direction. The easy-to-reach
shopping basket has a maximum weight capacity of 5 kg and supplies you with enough space to store all the necessities and niceties needed when being about and about with a tiny human. A transparent
rain cover is included in delivery.
- Perfectly shaped chassis made of high-quality aluminium
- Easy-to-manoeuvre off-road pram; extra-large single swivel wheels that are suitable for any terrain
- Compact folded size perfect for any car boot; max. width of 58 cm
- Practical folding mechanism and light weight make this pram unique
- Reversible seat unit guarantees quick change of view
- Lockable single swivel wheels
- Ergonomic, height-adjustable push bar
- "So-light" ecco handles, free from pollutants and environmentally friendly
- Adjustable suspension
- Parking brake "Wippmatic"
- Padded five-point safety belt
- Drop out protection
- Soundless adjustable canopy, can also be used as sun shade
- Height-adjustable footrest grows with child
- Pushchair cover can be machine washed at 30°C
- Backrest is multiply adjustable into flat recline position
- Including large easy-to-reach mesh basket and transparent rain cover
- UVP 50+ according to Australian standard
- Weight when used as pushchair: 17,2 kg
- Weight when used as regular pram: 16,5 kg
- Size folded: L 84 cm x W 58 cm x H 53 cm
- Size open: L 90 cm x W 58 cm x 66 to 114 cm
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針對昨日時代力量指控游泳協會詐領國家補助款案,體育署長高俊雄今(20)日表示此事對口是國訓中心,中心已介入處理還款,未來會和亞奧運團隊中的訪評小組研議加強會計項目,防堵類似事件再度發生。昨日時力立委黃國昌公布泳協發函給國家運動訓練中心公文,承認領取補助款後未發放服裝給選手,因此繳回 5 萬 7600 元補助款。黃國昌痛批泳協貪汙、無恥,要求公開向國人與選手道歉。高俊雄今日受訪表示,「泳協是向國訓中心請款,國訓中心已介入處理,請泳協還款。在負責亞奧運團隊中訪評小組負責四大構面,會計是比較弱的一環,未來未針對此進行加強,也會和各單項協會開會,討論出防堵機制。」 ▲立委黃國昌踢爆游泳協會詐領選手服裝補助款,要求泳協認罪道歉。(圖/翻攝自黃國昌臉書)
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