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英語對話 躺著學英文 英語教學網站 elegy of a killer中文意思是什麼

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elegy of a killer中文意思是什麼

elegy of a killer解釋


  • elegy: n. 哀歌,輓歌。
  • of: OF =Old French 古法語。
  • a: an 用在以母音音素開始的詞前〉 indefinite art 1 〈普通可數名詞第一次提到時,冠以不定冠詞主要表示類...
  • killer: n 1 殺人者,凶手。2 逆戟鯨(=killerwhale)。3 殺死…的藥劑[東西],宰殺的器具。4 〈口語〉迷人的人[...

  • A killer known as four eyes appears mysteriously in tokyo, a city of sickness and degeneracy. he has taken on a justice - seeking alter ego to punish th.

  • Released on valentine ' s day, this story of a black widow killer was promoted as the top thriller of 2005

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  • Ever since the suicide of his pregnant girlfriend, he has lost his joie de vivre, even though he still retains the finest instincts of a man hunter. as he digs deeper and deeper into the case, all evidence seems to point to chau s daughter and hei s hysterical wife, susan. but then the killer ups the ante by murdering susan as well app 學英文 夏令營 英文 補教業

  • As a kind of important embedded network software, embedded email client is always one of the killer applications being researched


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