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2004-09-03 19:57:29


七月份回台灣時, 為了找日劇VCD跑到台中的電子街(Boris的餿主意). 結果繞了好幾圈, 買了一套動畫 [天地無用] 和幾部電影VCD. 但日劇一部都沒找到 聽一間DVD/VCD店的老闆娘講: 最近因版權問題所有的日劇VCD全部回收. ...

2004-08-17 02:48:26

Oh Lord, I have sinned.

Instead of buying a cupboard to store my shoes, I spent the money on a pair of new flip-flops made of leather on Saturday. Yes, I know it's silly to spend XXX sfr on a pair of flip-flops. But I'm ultr...

2004-08-12 04:19:02

It''s a new day; it''s a new start.

Recently my supervisor J. got promoted. She now is an assistant professor at the Biochemistry Institute of University ZH. According to our original plan, I would be staying in the old Microbiology Ins...

2004-06-18 19:45:39

Wild strawberry

After the philosophy class yesterday, I found some wild strawberries growing outside the institute. I simply couldn't resist the temptation, so I picked as much as I could. These wild strawberries wer...

2004-06-16 05:02:32

[REVIEW]: Meistersinger (2)

On the side of Seiffert’s Walther is Petra-Maria Schnitzer, her beautiful lyric voice reaches its limit on one or two notes in the very beautifully sung “Selig, wie der Sonne”, but throughout the e...

2004-06-16 05:01:00

[REVIEW]: Meistersinger (1)

Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg 13. 06. 2004 Conductor: Franz Welser-Moest Director: Nikolaus Lehnhoff Scenery: Roland Aeschlimann Costume: Moidele Bickel / Amelie Haas * Hans Sachs: Jose van D...

2004-06-11 03:07:09

Salome frenzy...... again

I've promise Mike to burn him a copy of my Paris and Met Salome. And I have. I've listened to these two Salome about 5 times now. I want only to have a quick listening of the newly burned CDs (quality...

2004-06-07 16:30:04


倒也沒有真的那麼偉大, 每天作一件善事. 只是剛好今晚有機會順手幫助了個路人. 雖然是禮拜五晚上, 我一樣也是摸到十一點才離開實驗室. 由於早上忘了帶錢包出門, 身上的零錢吃完午餐後, 只夠到麥當勞買個起士堡果...

2004-06-07 16:28:08


上周接連幾天好友c及s分別和我談到她們感情觸礁的事. 對於愛情只修過理論還未實踐的我, 除了給予安慰及少許八股建議, 大部份的時間還是很安份地扮演垃圾桶的角色. 讓她們倒一倒垃圾, 心裡會舒暢些, 也陪她們聊一些有...

2004-06-05 01:49:04

Dickie Wagner,the poet

In two weeks, OZ will put on its last two performances of Meistersinger von Nuernberg in this season, and I'm planning to attend both of them. To get a better understanding of this opera, I decide to ...

2004-05-31 20:46:21


....after the second „Dialogues des Carmelites“ performance. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Friday I went to see “Dialogues des Carmelites” for the se...

2004-05-25 04:36:04

[REVIEW]: 後宮誘逃

Another old review of mine. (from 2003) Entfuehrung aus dem Serail (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) Selim: Klaus Maria Brandauer Konstanze: Malin Hartelius Blonde: Patricia Petibon Belmonte: Piot...

2004-05-25 03:41:56

[REVIEW]: I Vespri Siciliani

Giuseppe Verdi: I Vespri siciliani (23. 05. 2004) Conductor: Carlo Rizzi Director: Cesare Lievi Scenery: Maurizio Balo Choreography: Daniela Schiavone Lights: Jürgen Hoffmann Choir: Ernst Raff...

2004-05-19 14:10:00


雖已說[就此一篇下不為例]. 有了小憩的winter, 宣宣, 小兔, 雨漣及sunnypie的支持與鼓勵. JP就再度獻醜一篇, 順便滿足一下自己的虛榮心. (各位看官記著點JP, 很少說話算話. 不要下次被我唬爛了, 還跑來跟我哭訴.) ...

2004-05-18 15:29:25


看到今日台灣同胞如此崇洋媚韓哈日,想必英文程度一定不錯. 一連post了好幾篇文章, 除了少數幾人回應外, 結果有如石沈大海.含恨那~~~~~拼著今晚不睡兼露出JP國文造[脂]只有小學程度的馬腳, 用注音符號打這一篇, 看看同...

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