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2018-05-25 23:29:08| 人氣39| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Tell You a Secret. Truth - ~

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"I am the only God of the whole universe!"

Past, Now, and The Future...

MA'AM, coule it be a topic sentense?

Corny P.S 

Anna: Glamore

    Hey, how do you translate the word "Glamore" in Chinese?  

明: 惹火的 形容詞 adjective 

     Then... " 男子漢大丈夫 " How do you translate the phrase into English?

Anna:  Where are you from?

明: Formosa, an island on Ancient Oriental. I try to be a modern office Gentleman, 膺黨 保守派, and keep fit. Noble heart as any prince. 41 roar~
     You, sometime you have to return some respones ~ some language from Oriental...God it ???       

By the way 中國已經不怕 英法聯軍 也不再怕八國聯軍了
因為 我們都是中國人

台長: James
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全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職)

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