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【省錢大作戰】Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃 流行暢銷排行

最近媽媽生日快到了,偷偷打聽後知道媽媽最近想買 Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃

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嘿嘿~今年一定要給媽媽驚喜,居然可以送他最想要的Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃










Cybex Platinum Infant Car Seat Aton Q i-Size Plus 設計式樣: Stardust Black - black · 2018

Safety and comfort combined on the highest level! The Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton Q i-Size Plus carries your little one safely in a rear facing mode. Due to its removable seat insert it is particularly suitable for smaller babies and provides them with an ideal flat recline angle throughout the first months.

Group/ weight category:

  • Right from birth up to approx. 15 months/ max. 13 kg

  • Suitable for body height of 45 to 75 cm

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R-129 (i-Size)

Innovative security guaranteed: In combination with the Q i-Size base (not included in the delivery!) the infant car seat meets all safety-relevant requirements of the new i-Size norm. Innovative security technologies such as the side-impact protection as well as the height adjustable headrest with an integrated seat belt positioner provide optimum solution for the safety of your little one.

The individually adjustable telescopic linear side-impact protection, more commonly known as LSP System, distributes the energies of an accident away from your child. For this purpose, a side impact protector can be extended along the seat's door side. In combination with the energy-absorbing shell your child travels safe and sound during their first trips by car.

In terms of the individual size of your child the recline angle of the Aton Q i-Size Plus can be adjusted accordingly. The seat insert guarantees a flat recline position for new-borns up to 3 months. Later on, the insert can be removed so that the shell provides enough space and comfort. Parents are particularly fascinated by the five-point harness that secures their child easily and without any effort. When adjusting the headrest, the belt length adapts accordingly. Complicated guesswork or accidental misuse of the installation are practically eliminated. The soft belt pads and buckle pads give extra support and prevent the belt from cutting in.

Using an adaptor (not included in the delivery!), you can transform the Cybex Aton Q i-Size Plus into a practical travel system that easily fits on buggies and strollers and thus makes the integrated extra-large convertible canopy a vital accessory. Extendable in different stages it conforms to the Australian sun protection standard UVP 50+ and protects your little one from the elements outside the car. If not in use, you can store it elegantly behind a matching visor.

The trendy and very resilient fabric with twill-effect features a cool denim look that contributes to the Aton Q i-Size Plus' characteristic appearance. You can choose your favourite car seat from four different colours.

Product details:

  • Suitable from birth up to approx. 13 months (max. 13 kg/ 45 to 75 cm)


  • Trendy fabrics with twill-effect and denim look

  • LSP system: telescopic linear side-impact protection

  • Seat insert can be removed and is suitable for babies up to 3 months

  • Height-adjustable headrest with integrated seat belt positioner

  • Integrated extra-large canopy, UVP 50+

  • Suitable as a travel system when combined with Cybex, gb and other manufacturers

  • Cover washable at 30°C

  • Measures: 65 x 55 x 39 to 56 cm

  • 搶購下殺
  • Weight: 4,9 kg

  • Developed and designed in Germany




Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃





貝瑞吉R線地鐵服務差 民眾抗議

乘客聯盟(Riders Alliance)9日在布碌崙(布魯克林)貝瑞吉86街R線地鐵站組織抗議遊行,要求政府提高地鐵服務質量,通過徵收堵車費(Congestion Pricing)彌補地鐵維修經費的不足。

當日抗議者手舉「No Fair Hike」、「Fund The MTA」等標語聚集在86街R線地鐵站門口,表達對紐約地鐵服務質量的不滿以及希望改變的迫切需求;示威的Sareh Peltz表示:「我們平時調侃R車代表『少有的』(Rarely),D車代表『推遲的』(Delayed),以及N車代表『永遠不來的』(Never)。」

R線地鐵作為貝瑞吉唯一的地鐵線,過去所提供的服務質量已讓當地居民無法容忍;乘客聯盟發言人Michael Markin指出,R線列車十年前所達到的90%的準點率,至今已下滑到48%,根據之前的統計,在8月22個交通早高峰期內,R線列車延誤率多達16次。

雖然過去州府將貝瑞吉三個R線地鐵站關閉了長達近一年的時間整修,但重新開放後所呈現出的結果仍差強人意;當日參加遊行的Elizabeth Melas坐在輪椅上,手舉「不要將我的出行變得更加困難」的標語表示,明年地鐵單次乘坐費用恐上漲至三元,看似漲幅僅4%,但「對於我們這種原本就收入微薄的殘障人士將是雪上加霜」。


此次遊行抗議是乘客聯盟等維權團體組成的「修補地鐵聯盟」(The #FixTheSubway Coalition)的系列活動之一,主要針對MTA明年捷運卡將再漲價的計畫;MTA指出,因乘客數量下降、地鐵需要維修費等,預估2019年到2022年將出現超過3億7600萬元的虧損,漲價屬迫不折價卷評價得已,最終是否漲價將由MTA委員會成員明年1月投票決定。

國會採用機器人讀稿機? 立院:不排斥




不過,國民黨立委認為,宣讀條文不只是宣讀給在場的立委、官員聽,也是給外界民眾了解,不應該輕易省略,且一旦採行這種方式,就要提高到所有委員會一致。國民黨立委許毓仁甚至當場建議,為減輕議事人員宣讀條文的負擔,立院可以考慮採用讀稿機機器人。對此,立法院秘書長林志嘉也不反對。『(原音) (立委:)是不是可以建議立法院編列預算提供機器人讀稿機,這部分不但可以減輕議事人員的壓力,且機器人讀稿邊讀,字就邊打出來了,完全是OK的。林志嘉:許委員的建議我們來努力看看好了,我們不排斥。』


Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃

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