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【好康報報】Nike Free RN Commuter 2018 - 12238973 挖好康折扣情報


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一拿到之後為之驚艷,Nike Free RN Commuter 2018 - 12238973 CP值超高!










Nike Free RN Commuter 2018 是一款適合全天穿著的跑鞋。彈性鞋底讓雙足自然活動,栓扣鞋帶可輕鬆調整鬆緊,不論跑步中途或平時穿著,皆可便利使用。採用極致收納設計,完美跑鞋、立即上路,是丟入旅行袋的絕佳選擇。






Nike Free 技術,演繹極簡跑鞋的足下感受。抓地力圖案具有彈性溝紋,仿效雙腳自然活動。可隨雙足伸展、收縮與彎曲,每步都宛若赤腳般舒適自然,並加強緩震效果,全日皆能穩固穿著。


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5 顆星

Amazingly comfortable everyday shoe

thoughtwell - Jan 03, 2019

I picked up a pair of these in the ashen blue and these are a nice looking shoe. This is my first non-flyknit pair of Nikes in maybe 3 or more years. I picked these up because I’ve been a longtime fan of the Free flyknit RNs and was so impressed with the sole and comfort of the 2018 version that I wanted to try the sole in this very interesting concept of a shoe.

At first, the upper felt a bit tight. It reminded me of the feel of my Epic Reacts. My Free Flyknit RNs were like this as well–at first (eventually becoming some of the most comfortable shoes in the world).

I was actually expecting these to be a bit more loose-feeling with the bootie type construction and not being Flyknit. After walking around and wearing them for about an hour, that feeling of tightness went away and the shoe became very comfortable. After a few hours, I was just blown away by how comfortable this shoe is. And I love the lacing concept. I prefer to keep mine loose and easy to slip on and off.

I don’t plan on running in these. I have my Epics and Flyknit RNs I use for that. This will be more of a going to work, hanging out kind of shoe. But I also don’t doubt that I could run in these. They feel plenty stable and given the soles are the same as the Flyknit version, I could if I needed.

The Ashen blue looks nice. It can almost look lavender in some lighting which doesn’t bug me, but it may not be for everyone. I typically like gray shoes, and these are kind of a funky unique blue gray.

Only concern I have is the texture of the outer material. It’s kind of a neoprene ish material with bands of dense elastic like fabric. It seems if these happen to snag on anything it could pull the fabric. On the flip side of that, it’s very soft and leightweight. I could totally see someone who is on their feet much of the day such as a nurse or retail person wearing these. Since I don’t plan on running through a briar人氣商品排行榜特惠活動 patch, I’ll be interested to see how these wear over time.

I do love the strapping on the heel and tongue. The cage is okay. But I really like the ankle profile and how this looks on foot. I like how the tongue goes up just a bit. It just gives it kind of a futuristic tech-like look. Like kicks for people living on a space station. I’ll be anxious to see what Nike comes up with for the 2019 RN series.


killahwhale - Aug 08, 2018

I had the 2017 Commuters and did not think that Nike could make a shoe more comfortable - well guess what - they did. The 2018 Commuter is a fantastic shoe. The arch support is much improved over the 2017, and still fits like the 2017 with the "sock" feel to it. You can tighten these bad boys pretty good for when you want to go for a light jog/run/ or just forget to put your gym shoes in your bag. Overall this shoe does it all, and I can't get over the amount of support in a shoe that is so light and fits like a sock. I will continue to buy this model.. the Commuters are one of the best shoes Nike has made 2 years in a row now.




Nike Free RN Commuter 2018 - 12238973 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




亞馬遜駐長島市 社區諮詢委會確保紐約客獲得工作機會

州長葛謨(Andrew M. Cuomo)與市長白思豪(Bill de Blasio),11日針對亞馬遜新總部落戶皇后區長島市,成立社區諮詢委員會(Community Advisory Committee),社區利益相關者組成的委員會將專注於項目計畫制訂,包括社區基礎設施建設以及勞動力就業發展等方向。





亞馬遜人力資源全球運營部副總監Ardine Williams表示,選擇了人才儲備豐厚的紐約市,今後將積極與社區諮詢委員會合作,以亞馬遜現有的職業培訓和員工發展計畫為基礎,力求創造2萬5000個新工作崗位,「不僅讓本地人才從公司的技術工作中受益,而且還能在建築、服務、酒店和其他方面獲得數千個間接工作機會」。






(民視新聞/薛嘉瑩、王翊軒、吳政諺 台北-花蓮報導)

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