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2005-08-05 20:36:34| 人氣53| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Everyday Vocabulary #4

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Everyday Vocabulary #4

1. metamorphosis (n.)  
Ex. It took Oliver a great deal of time to undergo the metamorphosis from student to tecaher.

2. intricate (adj.)  
Ex. Ashley can do some basic sewing, but the pattern is full of intricate details. It’s too hard for her!

3. abscond (v.)  
Ex. Before the police arrived, the bank robbers had absconded with NT$2,000,000.

4. set apart from~ (ph.)  
Ex. The lady’s peculiar accent set herself apart from everyone else.

5. put the best face on~ (ph.)
Ex. Matthew’s coach was disappointed that he lost the competition, but he still put the best face on it by encouraging him to look on the bright side.







P.S. 照片攝於香港民營客運---城巴(CityBus)客運站,當天目的地為香港海洋公園,客運為雙層式(double-deckers),車箱內空間十分寬廣舒適。

台長: Oliver
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