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Your Health Is Something to Laugh About 你的健康是可笑的事
Humor's 1)healing power 幽默的治病力量

‧ 標題單字

1) heal (v.) 治癒

The 1)healthful 2)effects of laughter have been known for ages. One 3)medieval 4)philosopher put it like this: "The arrival of a good clown does more for the health of the village than twenty 5)asses 6)laden with drugs."


‧ 本段單字

1) healthful (a.) 有益健康的
2) effect (n.) 效果
3) medieval (a.) 中世紀的
4) philosopher (n.) 哲學家
5) ass (n.) 驢子
6) laden (a.) 裝滿的

The effects of laughter are not just skin deep. Recent research has helped doctors to better understand the 1)positive effects of humor. They've learned that laughter reduces stress and 2)anxiety, 3)boosts the power of the 4)immune system and brings 5)relief from pain. A growing number of health 6)professionals have begun using humor to help care for their patients. Many of them were 7)inspired by the example of Norman Cousins, who wrote a book about how he cured himself of a serious illness. He did it largely, he 8)claims, by watching funny movies.


‧ 本段單字

1) positive (a.) 正面的
2) anxiety (n.) 焦慮
3) boost (v.) 促進,提昇
4) immune system (n.) 免疫系統
5) relief (n.) 解脫,緩和
6) professional (n.) 專業人士
7) inspire (v.) 激勵
8) claim (v.) 聲稱

Some of the new Clown Doctors are real doctors, some are nurses, and some are, well, just 1)plain clowns. Patty Wooten is a 2)critical-care nurse and professional clown. She started a business, Jest for the Health of It, to 3)promote the healing power of humor. The 4)prescription she'd like to see more often from doctors is: "Send in the clowns."


‧ 本段單字

1) plain (a.) 普通的
2) critical (a.) 危急的
3) promote (v.) 促進,推廣
4) prescription (n.) 處方

"Medicine shouldn't be just about intellectual or scientific stuff," say Dr. Fruit 1)Loop and Dr. Bubba-Louey. They visit sick children in Australian hospitals to cheer them up with "red nose 2)transplants." Real doctors or not, these clowns understand something important about health and healing. As laugh 3)advocate Dr. Patch Adams points out, "The best 4)therapy is being happy."


‧ 本段單字

1) loop (n.) 圈,環
2) transplant (n.) 移植
3) advocate (n.) 提倡者
4) therapy (n.) 療法

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