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2003-07-17 08:59:10| 人氣35| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Performance Review 工作檢討

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It's performance review time at Walker Publications. Supervisors and staff meet one-on-one. Together they see whether the past year's work goals have been reached. They then agree on goals for the coming year. Sheila, a staff writer, goes to Monica's office for her performance review--her first ever. As she knocks on Monica's door, she's a little nervous. Monica welcomes her with a smile and offers her a chair. Sheila carefully sits down and braces herself for the review.


one-on-one (adv) 一對一
brace (v) 振作;打起精神
performance review (n phr) 工作檢討

Conversation 1
Monica: You don't need to be nervous, Sheila.
Sheila: But I'm afraid you're going to tell me about all my mistakes.
Monica: Don't worry. If you were making big mistakes, I would have told you before now. I don't like giving people unpleasant surprises during performance reviews.
Sheila: Does that mean I'm doing a good job then?
Monica: Well, there's always room for improvement. But on the whole, I think you're doing a very good job.

席 拉:但我怕您將告訴我,我犯過所有的錯誤。
席 拉:那麼這是不是意謂著我做得還算不錯?

unpleasant (adj) 不愉快的;使人厭惡的
on the whole (adv phr) 就整體而言

Conversation 2
Monica: Last year, when you came to Walker Publications, we set some goals and objectives together, right?
Sheila: Yes. I've been working on them all year. How am I doing?
Monica: How do you feel you're doing? Have you met your goals?
Sheila: I think so. For example, by now I'm supposed to be able to write any article within two days. That is, without counting on coworkers for a lot of help. I'm doing that.
Monica: I've noticed. I'm happy to see your writing skills and speed improve.

席 拉:是的,我一整年都在努力地完成它們,不知我做得如何?
席 拉:我認為是的。舉例來說好了,現在,我應該能在兩天內完成一篇文章,也就是不依賴其他同事的幫忙。我現在正是如此。

objective (n) 目標
count on someone 依賴某人

Conversation 3
Sheila: I'm also supposed to have learned how our magazines are put together. So I've been watching the editors and artists at work.
Monica: That's a good idea.
Sheila: I've also been studying our art and publishing software. I think I've learned a lot.
Monica: I think so, too. In fact, you've made some great suggestions. You have a good eye for design. How would you like to learn to do layout work?
Sheila: I'd love to!
Monica: Good. Let's write that down as a goal for the coming year.

席 拉:我也應該了解我們的雜誌是如何編整在一起的,所以我也在工作中注意觀察編輯及美編們如何工作。
席 拉:同時我也學了我們美術及排版的軟體,我想我學了不少。
席 拉:非常樂意!

software (n) 軟體
have a good eye for something (v phr) 對...有鑑賞力

Conversation 4
Monica: Joining the writers' group was another one of your goals for last year, wasn't it?
Sheila: Well, yes.
Monica: Have you been meeting with them?
Sheila: Actually, no. You know how they read one another's articles and make suggestions? After my first article got chewed up, I was scared to attend any more.
Monica: Sheila, I'm sure the other writers were just trying to help you. Everyone needs feedback on their work. That's why we do these performance reviews--to help people work more effectively.
Sheila: OK. I'll start attending the writers' group again.
Monica: Good. Let's write that down, too. By the way, how do you feel about this performance review now? Still nervous?
Sheila: No. I'm enjoying it. In fact, I'm looking forward to the next one!

席 拉:嗯,是的。
席 拉:事實上,沒有。您知道他們是如何閱讀彼此的文章,並提出建言嗎?在我第一篇文章被批閱了之後,我就很害怕再去參加了。
席 拉:好吧,我會再開始參加寫作組的。
席 拉:不會了,我很喜歡。事實上,我已經開始期待下一次的檢討了!

feedback (n) 回饋;回應
effectively (adv) 有效地
chew up (idiom) 全盤批評;品頭論足

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