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【本季限量優惠】[美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 本季熱推

為了購買[美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop我去逛了幾家百貨或商場

但都沒有讓我滿意的,因為看到的不是價格偏高不然就是品質不太讓我滿意,後來讓我在這裡發現了[美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop真是太開心了

簡直可以說是賺到了,因為價格合理也不用為了購買[美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop









Product Information

Technical Details

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Screen Size 13.3 inches

Other Technical Details

Brand Name 3M

Series PF133W9E

Item model number PF133W9E

Hardware Platform PC

Item Weight 0.3 ounces

Product Dimensions 10 x 0.1 x 15.2 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H 10 x 0.13 x 15.25 inches

Color Black

Shipping Weight 0.3 ounces

You will see the information on your display while people on either side see a darkened screen

Designed to fit 13.3' screens that extend edge to edge. Filter fits diagonally measured 13.3' viewing screen and a 16:9 aspect ratio.

3M's thinnest privacy filter maintains the display's touch functionality

Minimizes distracting screen glare and mirror like reflections in office environments

Includes easy-to-use attachment method

Helps protect display from dirt, debris and scratches

暢銷熱賣 Helps reduce the appearance of smudges and fingerprints

Great for maintaining screen privacy in high traffic areas such as open work spaces, airports, airplanes, commuter trains, coffee shops and other public places

Product Description

3M's thinnest Privacy Filter helps keep confidential information private while maintaining the display's to哪裡買便宜uch functionality. Provides an optimized viewing experience for high resolution displays, and is designed for your edge-to-edge device display.




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[美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 推薦, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 討論, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 部落客, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 比較評比, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 使用評比, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 開箱文, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 新上市13.3" Widescreen Laptop?推薦, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 評測文, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop CP值, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 部落客推薦, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 好用嗎?, [美國直購] 3M PF133W9E 螢幕防窺片 Privacy Filter for Edge-to-Edge 13.3" Widescreen Laptop 去哪買?

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