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2003-06-19 13:55:49| 人氣42| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Don’t say goodbye…

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You said you wanted to buy me some flowers but anyways I could just leave them here in Canada. Thank you. I’ve received the flowers; they’re in my heart.
I was going to take something with me home so that I could see them when I missed you at home. I’m gonna take the fishy, the blue one, with yellow hands. I’ll press it when I think of you. It makes me laugh as well. You might be pressing it when I press it.
Don’t dig a hole to China. It is hot in there! Funny.
China’s not fun anyways. Well, I didn’t mean to disappoint you. The air is dirty in my city and there’s a whole bunch of people sweating in the street. :P I wish we could visit China together someday next summer. Other places might be more fun.
Yes. This is part of our romance. I didn’t feel sad anyways. I’ll be back early Aug, which is around 40 days from now. Hope you’ll enjoy a nice summer here! The weather will be still nice when I come back, hopefully.
I didn’t know I was gonna be a big part of your life, and I don’t wanna take up too big a part. When you told me that you might have another set of keys to your apt made for me. I said no, eh? I don’t know. I would kind of feel “bad” if I had the keys to your apt. I feel as if I’m already a big part (a messy part :P) of your life. I don’t want to rob you of your freedom.
You kind of “asked” me more than usual if I was gonna come over this week. I don’t think anything has to be special because I’m going home. It makes it harder for me to leave if there’s anything special done for me. Like they made a nice dinner for me, saying that it was because I was leaving for home…I wish everything was just normal.
I’ll be back soon, I told myself.
Be nice, stinky Dave!
Enjoy the nice summer holiday!

Love, Fishy.L

台長: Fishy
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