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台灣戶外空間可及性調查案例分享 - 日月潭The Sun Moon Lake 4

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攝影者: 蔡宗哲

大竹湖步道Ta Chu Lake Trail

長度只有80公尺的大竹湖自然步道,是日月潭邊最短的步道,1999年完工。從公路下方的停車場旁進入,不遠處便有一座觀景台,觀景台右側往下即是深入潭畔的步道,在步道下方的潭面有一處滾滾作響的出水口,那是日月潭有名的特殊景點 ─ 日月湧泉。其實,那是武界引水道的出水口,日治時期,日人從仁愛鄉武界部落鑿通一條地底隧道直通日月潭,將濁水溪上游的水引進日月潭,以作為日月潭固定的水源。

Ta Chu Lake Trail was completed in 1999. This 80-meter long trail can’t be seen from road side. Once you off the road and enter the trail head, you can see a parking lot and a pavilion. Following the trail down to the lake side, there is an outlet making sound loudly. This is one of the famous scenic spots – Sun-Moon Spring. In fact the outlet is one end of an underground tunnel, which was dug by the Japanese to lead the water from Zhuo Shui River to the Lake.

攝影者: 楊蕙如
停車場The parking lot

攝影者: 楊蕙如
涼亭the pavilion

1. 必須隨時注意孔隙的平整,否則會造成行進上的障礙,甚至令人寸步難行;
2. 如果不是用細砂填平孔隙而是使用壤土植草,修補填土和養護草皮的費用非常高;
3. 植草磚停車場只會讓車輛的漏油和廢氣排放的有害物質隨著孔隙滲透到地底下,加重土壤的汙染;

The brick paved parking lot extends from the entrance to the end. The brick is one of the popular materials designed with many holes that can be filled with small stones or loam to grow grass. The brick pavement may be good for the edge of natural areas or the parking lot that is used in low frequency. But still many shortcomings regarding the brick:
1. The hole of the brick must keep neat and smooth, otherwise it could become barriers to some people to move on.
2. The hole of the brick filled with loam and grass needs to be patched up frequently and costly to keep the grass.
3. Leaking oil and exhaust gas from the car infiltrate through the hole of the brick and pollute the earth.

The holey brick with grass may reduce radiant heat and glisten from the ground, but collecting polluted water too. Normally underneath the brick pavement, there is an isolating layer needed to be constructed first to collect water from the surface. The collected water then is discharged into sewage system after some special treatment.

Lots of parking lot on campus are paved this special kind of brick nowadays. According to my observation, the parking lots appear bumpy and rough, or sinking unevenly. This may be something related to budget or poor constructing. Here I’d like to appeal a review regarding the device of the holey brick pavement on parking lots.

攝影者: 蔡宗哲

Another inaccessible to the wheelchair user causes by a poor pavement design. Judge from the present situation, there should be a good view from the pavilion to the Lake. But too bad the wheelchair can’t get into the pavilion.

攝影者: 楊蕙如

The trail begins with a stairway. Therefore, the accessibility to the wheelchair user is reaching to the parking lot.

攝影者: 楊蕙如

年梯步道The Year Trail


366 stairs along the trail, they called it “ The High Ladder”. Each step represents one day of the year, once you walk through the trail that means you have been through the whole year. Each the flagstone step carved one famous person around the world who was born at the day. You may find the famous person who has the same birthday as yours. This was completed in 2004..

攝影者: 楊蕙如

攝影者: 楊蕙如

攝影者: 楊蕙如

攝影者: 楊蕙如

Although the trail is inaccessible to the wheelchair user, but the trail head is a good vista point potentially. It can be improved nicely and beautifully

台長: 歐布萊恩

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