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台灣戶外空間可及性調查案例分享 - 日月潭The Sun Moon Lake 3

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The assessment of 2006 didn’t give me any chance to get closer to the Sun Moon Lake. Whoever been here must know unless one step down to a vista point or a viewing deck, otherwise no one can see any view from the lake. I have driven around the lake thousands times, never have I a chance to get out of my car and find a nice place to admire the lake landscape, all because I have a wheelchair with me. There are so many times I can’t help and break into cry loudly. It is way to complex to explain.

The world class natural scenery is nearly covered by those five starts or even six stars hotels and some inappropriate facilities built around the Lake. These architectures are eagerly showing off by contending in beauty and fascination. That has caused the precious natural landscape out of focus. More and more tourists come to enjoy the luxurious hotel and delicacies not the Lake. But for those come to admire the Lake, trails are the best way to leading them to the purpose. And I want to be part of them, but things just don’t go as I wish. Unfortunately, it seems all parking lots are my destination, no lake view for me.

According the internet, bike-way and trail are the Lake agency’s key to promote their tourism. The question is that people come to enjoy biking and hiking itself or people come to admire the natural landscape by take bikes and rails? The difference between the two purposes will end up deciding the natural resource to disappear quickly or to go stronger in the future. Respect the Nature is very important behavior and attitude around the Island. As a senior landscape architect, I’d like to urge people to take the right attitude toward the Nature, no matter in development or tourism.

環湖步道Trails around the Lake


2009年7月13日到7月17日中華大學景觀建築系的學生利用暑假跟我進行國家風景區和國家公園可及性休閒旅遊調查,此次幫忙調查的同學有: 蔡宗哲、張明翔、李婉琳、林泛鎂、吳仲桓和陳龍緯。調查的步道選項配合生態與人文校外教學的課程設計,非特定選項。

1. 基地資料收集與研讀。
2. 以手動輪椅使用者的可及性為參考依據,並以聯合國針對可及性的定義為準。
3. 步道調查動線規劃從停車場到步道起點、步道起點到步道終點、步道終點到聯外動線。
4. 依上述動線規畫作三段式可及性說明。
There are 14 trails around the Lake, some close to the Lake, some wiggling among the mountains. The length of the trail is from 150 meters to more than 10 kilometers. Time needed is from 30 minutes to about 8 hours. The Shui She mountain trail is the longest, at the end of the trail, one can have a bird’s eye view of the Lake.

In 2009, I conducted an assessment of accessible tourism of the Sun Moon Lake with students from the Department of Landscape Architecture of Chung Hua University during the summer. These students have basic knowledge regarding the barrier free environment, and trained skillfully in investigation and documenting.

攝影者: 吳仲桓

水蛙頭步道Shui Wa Tou Trail

The Shui Wa Tou Trail is located at in between the Ta Chu Lake and Yi Da Shao. At the trail head, there are a pavilion and a car park. The trail long is about 500 meters, with a drop height about 60 meters. This narrow footway planed over a hill side, visitors can walk down to the Lake side under bamboo grove. The whole journey is about bamboo, primeval forest, ferns and some wild life. A vivid frog sculpture sits in the Lake as a water table index.

攝影者: 吳仲桓
The pavilion

攝影者: 吳仲桓
The car park

攝影者: 楊蕙如
The trail head

攝影者: 楊蕙如

The Shui Wa Tou Trail is located right at the road side, pretty easy access to most people but not the wheelchair user. I have been here many times, but can only stay in car. Because the holes on the ground always catch my canes and the small wheels of my chair.

攝影者: 楊蕙如
There is 10 cm difference in between in and out of the pavilion.

攝影者: 楊蕙如
One day my friend and I visited the Lake again in a rainy day. We figured out that driving along the winding road in the wet day like this is very dangerous. So we decided to stay in the pavilion till the rain stop. But no matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t get my wheelchair into the pavilion, all because of the 10 cm difference at the entrance.

攝影者: 楊蕙如
At the assessment, we discover that making barriers to the wheelchair is the holey brick pavement and over design pavement patterns. Too many patterns and varied materials together cause many interfaces, which under different load-bearing capacity come into different sinking. This can cause inaccessible to the wheelchair user too.

攝影者: 楊蕙如

For those people with mobility impairment can only walk few yards away from the trail head, because after that there is a stair way following. So all I can do is sit in my car and wait my partners to return. The pity thing is the pavilion and the whole trail head area with no view. Otherwise I wouldn’t mind sit in my car and enjoy the view to the Sun Moon Lake.

台長: 歐布萊恩

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