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Los Angeles International Airport

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LA International Airport
It says : use the telephone to request a wheelchair or other disabilities assistance.請使用這個電話通報輪椅服務或其它的服務。

LA International Airport


ADA的全名是The Americans with Disability Act,是美國老布希總統在1990年簽屬通過的一項人權法案。當年我正好在紐約州立大學森林與環境科學院讀環境科學博士,所以有幸參與了當年兩天的全美視訊研討會,並且獲得一張可及性專家的證書。這件事情對我後來的決定影響深遠。將近20年後再度回到美國,我檢視了ADA的效力。我完全被美國人折服了。原來我們在機場搭到的可及性公車和在Calabasas看的可及性社區不稀奇。這一路走來,沒有一處不可及。大家都知道加油站和速食店的廁所對旅遊者來說非常重要,因此在每一處加油站,我都會希望我的學生可以下車檢視一下廁所。現在我可以很確定的是加油站的賣場和廁所是輪椅可及的。

The ADA comes from The Americans with Disability Act (ADA). This Act starts from 1990 signed by the President Bush. Actually the day before the Act signed, our President Lee has already signed a similar document. But we can see the results are totally different. In the United States every one knows the law and understands the enforcement. But in Taiwan, it seems what the President Lee signed is noting to do with the people, don’t even mention the detail of the law. The general Taiwanese even don’t know the significance and the meaning of the law, or its existing.

After President Bush signed the Act, the Nation held a two-day nation wide video conference. I was lucky enough to participate in the conference, and earned a specialist certificate. That’s how I started my mission to promote the accessible environment in Taiwan. Accessibility is not thing new to the American, but here in Taiwan, people even can’t tell a barrier-free environment and an accessible environment. They naively think to remove the barrier away or to add some handicapped facility is the way of creating a barrier-free environment. So architects still follow their old way to build houses then add so-called handicapped facility to make it look accessible. Wrong! Architects and Landscape Architects should conscientiously think about the meaning of accessibility and change their philosophy and attitude of design.

LA International Airport

LA International Airport

LA International Airport

LA International Airport

Every element in the same space should be interlocked and harmonious, the colors, the shapes, and the volumes. For accessibility, there is no reason to break the law.

LA International Airport

我相信照片上的老人家不會希望被貼上「殘障者」的標籤,他們在機場要求輪椅服務只是為了安全的理由以及確保飛機能準時起降。1988年我在中正機場花了1個小時從出境口撐著拐杖走到登機門,在日本成田機場等著轉機的飛機也因此等了我1個小時。如果你問我,難道你沒有尋求協助嗎? 我有。我在訂位時就告知需要輪椅服務,誰知道到了中正機場,我得到的服務是一位地勤人員陪著我走到登機門。那是將近22年前的故事了,在當時像我這樣的行動不便者出國的機率鐵定少之又少。但是現在不一樣,無論是在中正機場或者美國洛杉磯國際機場,和我搭同一班飛機且要求輪椅服務的乘客少說也有6-7位。在飛機上,我甚至要我的學生幫我算同一個機艙內老人和非老人的比例。他們不願意。所以我自己觀察略估的結果幾乎是50:50。請注意這些使用輪椅服務的乘客並非殘障者,但是這代表甚麼意義呢?讓我們都想一想。
More and more senior citizens traveling around the world, I discovered the fact during my trip. Don’t make me wrong they are not handicapped. At the trip to the USA, I want my students counting the number of aging passengers and the number of young passengers in our aircraft. They don’t want to, they are too shy. According to my calculation, the ration of the senior citizen and non-senior citizen in our aircraft is about 50:50.

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

Have you seen what I see? Where is the design?

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport


My sister and my brother in law pick up at the airport. When we are uploading my stuff, there is a long stupid bar on the ground block my way. I was furious as the Ladybug with seven spots would be. Everybody knows she has short temper, but I don’t. Where is the accessibility? Where is the barrier-free?

台長: 歐布萊恩
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