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高雄英文家教老師 免費教英文 bitter-ender中文意思是什麼

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    托福 多益 雅思 美語幼稚園高雄英文家教老師 免費教英文一對一英語 如何學數學免費線上學英文 家教1111 全民英檢報名日期1對1英文家教 師大英語文中心 學習英文會話免費學習英文網站 英文教學網toeic 補習 英語自學網站雅思課程 英檢考試日期




bitter-ender解釋英文聽力練習網站 初學英文 全民英檢初級複試成績查詢

餐飲英文會話 基礎英文課程美俚〉堅持不屈的人,頑抗到底的人。

  • bitter: adj 1 (藥等)苦。2 嚴(寒),烈(風),厲害的;辛苦的,悲慘的。3 懷恨的;抱怨的;諷刺的。n 1 苦...
  • ender: 恩代爾

  • Folkloric uses have included a myriad of other indications, including psoriasis, infertility, gastrointestinal cramps, infections, and cancer and as an abortifacient. in china, bitter melons have been used in traditional chinese medicine for a long time. like most bitter - tasting foods, it stimulates digestion

    苦瓜有較高的營養價值,含有蛋白質脂肪各種氨基酸苦瓜代糖類維生素a b c等人體不可缺少的營養物質,以及人體必需的無機鹽和鈣磷鐵等礦物質。
  • This, however, formed a part of the bitter cup which she was doomed to drink, to atone for crimes and follies to which she had no accession.

  • The minor grain and bean crops are commonly called the minor grain crops, which mainly cover buckwheat ( common buckwheat and bitter buckwheat ), oats, corn millet, naked barley, mung bean, adzuki bean, pea, broad bean, kidney bean, cowpea, hyacinth bean and black soy bean

    小宗糧豆作物通常被稱為小雜糧,主要包括蕎麥(甜蕎和苦蕎) 、燕麥、糜子、青稞、綠豆、小豆、豌豆、蠶豆、蕓豆、豇豆、小扁豆、黑豆等。
  • The place was an all-night cafe owned by a bitter and stingy man called leo.

  • Bitter melon can clear stomach heat and boost eyesight. perhaps the best substantiated use today is that of bitter melon for people with diabetes mellitus. other properties and actions documented by traditional use are antifungal, antiparasitic, antivenin, bitter, cardiotonic tones, balances, strengthens the heart, digestive stimulant, emetic causes vomiting, menstrual stimulator, purgative strong laxative, vermifuge expels worms


    bitter end, bitter lake, bitter rot, bitter-enderism, bitter-sweet, bitterish

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