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2008-07-28 02:20:19| 人氣41| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

housekeeper , r u sexy ?

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sunday a bit sunshine,mmmmm....maybe i should start to clean my bedroom.
hehehe changed clothes.....then....

my housemate says :E ,U’re going to the beach ?!

E : nope,i just clean my house lol.
E: WHAT ?! or u think that i should wear something more ?!
housemate says : wow sexy ~~~~~

hahahhaa do i ?!
housekeeper can be sexy thing ?!

uuuuu summer times, high temperature,drive my crazy tho .
housekeeper wear the bikini to clean the house.

ohhhh trust me wear the bikini or swimming suit is easy and confortable lol.

台長: E in New Zealand
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