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Contact Virtual Finland by mail:
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Press and Culture Department
Publications Unit
P.O. Box 176
FIN-00161 Helsinki

tel. +358-9-16005
fax. +358-9-1605 5901
e-mail virtual.finland@formin.fi

Finland in an integrating Europe and a globalising world
As a member of the European Union Finland is part of a community that exerts crucial influence in resolving European and global issues. Joining the core of Europe is the result of a consistent effort by Finnish governments to guarantee prosperity and security for the people of Finland. On the basis of longstanding experience and responsible involvement in international affairs Finland is meeting the growing challenges presented by mutual interdependence and globalisation.

Finland has strengthened and consolidated its position in Europe after the end of its division. Membership of the EU is founded upon Finland's national identity as a Nordic democracy. By building workable and even-handed neighbourly relations with Russia and by supporting the integration of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania into the new Europe, Finland has enhanced security in its own environment. In like manner, Finland has supported pan-European unification, a process aiming to eliminate lines of divisions and gaps of development, and has taken part in the settlement of disputes and conflicts.

The field of Finland's foreign and security policy has expanded in line with a broadening of the overall concept of security. The furtherance of human rights, democracy and law-based societies are integral elements in the conduct of relations with the transitional countries of Europe. In development cooperation policy the aim is to achieve sustainable solutions by supporting political and economic reform. New security risks such as organised crime, terrorism and illegal immigration as well as the management of refugeeism are everyday factors, as are economic cooperation and the acceptance of joint responsibility for the environment.

Finland as a member of the European Union
With the benefit of EU membership Finland has sought to enhance its well-being and security as effectively as possible by making a full contribution to cooperation among the Member States and by taking part in the strengthening of the Union's efficiency.

The Presidency of the Union during the second half of 1999, after five years of experience as a member, is a historic challenge to Finnish diplomacy and the entire political administration. Finland will head the common foreign and security policy during the Union's new phase of development and amid the demanding changes in its operating environment.

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