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2009-01-29 00:51:19| 人氣231| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

*ENG 2009

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It seems as though I’ve been getting happier and happier since the start of 2009, when I have finally came to know myself better; sorted out what underlies my sorrow; and outlined how my future path should be.

"Isn’t life too short to be gloomy?" YES and NO. Albeit most bitterness makes you stuck and may thereby hinder your road ahead, I believe it is meanwhile a refiner – of cause only if you could get rid of it at length – causing you to be a stronger, tougher, and more sophisticated person (Oh no! I would never like to be a hypocrite myself!). So, alongside the gloomy face, learn to embrace the bull and take it by its horn when it rushes you all of a sudden!

OMG! It may not be a well-cited metaphor as it reminded me of the year of OX, the year that has squeezed me into another stage of my life!

Can it be an auspicious start? I wonder;

Would it make a huge difference? I wonder;

Where is the ship that I am swimming to? I wonder.


Well… it’s just like





Toodle-oo to Tootles(!) and

(but) the sunny-side up plus fishy Langkawi…

台長: Eddy
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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