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法式香頌 + 民謠彈唱 + 輕爵士浪漫風 + 雋永詩篇的極致經典

  她是年薪超過750萬美元的全球Top20超級名模;她是Prada、Chanel、Jean Paul Gaultier、Christian Dior、Givenchy的指定品牌代言人;她是Guess、Fusco、Paciotti全球廣告第一女主角;她是與「The Rolling Stone滾石合唱團」主唱Mick Jagger(米克傑格)、吉他之神Eric Clapton(艾力克萊普頓)傳出緋聞的女主角;她在2002年底推出個人首張自彈自唱創作大碟「Quelqu un M a Dit」,短短一年時間就狂銷了150萬張,她是名模跨行出唱片「叫好又叫座」的稀有成功案例,她就是Carla Bruni。

  生於義大利Turln這個小城的Carla Bruni,為何年紀輕輕就能把自己的人生及事業經營的如此精彩?這答案就在她個人的修練及努力上。Carla Bruni從小就酷愛音樂與詩篇,把詩詞拿來譜成曲子哼唱,是她的拿手絕活。19歲時從巴黎大學退學後,以為是人生的低潮,但這顆耀眼的鑽石被Guess創意總監相中,讓她登上國際時尚伸展台,還拍攝廣告代言,她的身段與絞好外型,短時間內便一躍成為全球Top20名模之列,不過支撐她活躍時尚界的,不是虛有外表,她從小飽讀詩書及音樂文化的醺陶,使她很自然的散發無與倫比的超凡氣質,就連Mick Jagger與Eric Clapton都對她折服。

   正因如此,唱片公司注意到她音樂上的才華,就在2002年底推出了個人首張法語大碟「Quelqu un M a Dit」,正當樂界還在討論名模跨行唱歌通常只是噱頭之時,專業音樂評論網站AMG旋即給予四顆星的高評,時而輕柔,時而性感,時而低沉性感的乾淨嗓音,配上她自我創作的詞曲,樂風游走在民謠、法式香頌、輕爵士浪漫風,在簡單的吉他伴奏,不論是她的Fans或是從來沒聽過她名字的發燒友,全都醉倒在她的音樂之下,不到一年時間狂銷150萬張,不但入選當年頂級發燒大碟,更位樂壇創造了一個神話。就在全球期盼下,2007年初終於推出了首張全球發行的英語大碟「No Promises 無需承諾」,延續一貫浪漫樂風,此次特別改編葉慈、狄金生、奧登、克莉斯緹娜、羅塞蒂、桃樂西、派克等多位詩人作品,成就了這張兼具文學氣息及高貴質感的作品。一杯咖啡,一本好書,加上Carla Bruni,人生最大享受莫過於此。



1.Those Dancing Days Are Gone
2.Before The World Was Made
3.Lady Weeping At The Crossroads
4.I Felt My Life With Both My Hands
5.Promises Like Pie-Crust
7.If You Were Coming In The Fall
8.I Went To Heaven
10.Ballade At Thirty-Five
11.At Last The Secret Is Out


 Those Dancing Days Are Gone by William Butler Yeats

Come, let me sing into your ear;
Those dancing days are gone,
All that silk and satin gear;
Crouch upon a stone,
Wrapping that foul body up
In as foul a rag:
I carry the sun in a golden cup.
The moon in a silver bag.

Curse as you may I sing it through;
What matter if the knave
That the most could pleasure you,
The children that he gave,
Are somewhere sleeping like a top
Under a marble flag?
I carry the sun in a golden cup.
The moon in a silver bag.

I thought it out this very day.
Noon upon the clock,
A man may put pretence away
Who leans upon a stick,
May sing, and sing until he drop,
Whether to maid or hag:
I carry the sun in a golden cup,
The moon in a silver bag.
Before the World Was Made

by W B Yeats

If I make the lashes dark
And the eyes more bright
And the lips more scarlet,
Or ask if all be right
From mirror after mirror,
No vanity's displayed:
I'm looking for the face I had
Before the world was made.

What if I look upon a man
As though on my beloved,
And my blood be cold the while
And my heart unmoved?
Why should he think me cruel
Or that he is betrayed?
I'd have him love the thing that was
Before the world was made.
Lady weeping at the crossroads From W.H.Auden

Lady                                                          女子

Lady, weeping at the crossroads                女子,於十字路口哭泣,

Would you meet your love                          你是否願意與愛人相遇,

In the twilight with his greyhounds,             暮色中,他與獵犬前來,

And the hawk on his glove?                        手套上一隻鷲鷹?

Bribe the birds then on the branches            賄賂枝上的啼鳥,

Bribe them to be dumb,                               賄賂他們,讓他們靜謐,

Stare the hot sun out of heaven                    將豔陽望落穹蒼,

That the night may come.                            好讓黑夜來臨。

Starless are the night of travel,                    旅人的黯夜無星;

Bleak the winter wind;                                 冬風刺骨陰鬱;

Run with terror all before you                        奔跑吧,所有恐懼於前,

And regret behind.                                       於後,懊悔婉惜。

Run until you hear the ocean's                      奔跑,直到你聽見

Everlasting cry;                                           海洋永恆的悲泣;

Deep though it may be and bitter                  即使深邃苦澀,

You must drink it dry.                                  也得一飲而盡。

Wear out patience in the lowest                    耗盡你的耐性

Dungeons of the sea,                                   於深海地牢裡,

Searching through the stranded shipwrecks        探尋金色鑰匙

For the golden key.                                      於觸礁船骸裡。

Push on to the world's end, pay the                    奔至世界盡頭,給予

Dread guard with a kiss;                                    嚴厲守衛親吻;

Cross the rotten bridge that totters                     越過腐朽的橋,它於

Over the abyss.                                                深淵之上顫慄。

There stands the deserted castle                        那兒,荒廢城堡佇立,

Ready to explore;                                              待你一探究竟;

Enter, climb the marble staircase                       進門,爬上大理石梯,

Open the locked door.                                       門鎖由你解禁。


Cross the silent ballroom,               穿越寧靜大廳,

Doubt and danger past;                                     疑慮險境退去,

Blow the cobwebs from the mirror                       吹走鏡上蛛網,

See yourself at last.                                          終於看清自己。

Put your hand behind the wainscot,                    把手置於牆後,

You have done your part;                                   你已完成使命;

Find the penknife there and plunge it                   尋獲那兒的小刀,

Into your false heart.                                          刺進你虛假的心 


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