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2003-07-22 01:01:18| 人氣112| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

One’s biggest enemy is oneself

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The story or relationship between me and Maurice could be described quite smooth, but when we have problems, they were big ones.

Mostly, I would say it’s always me.

I am a Libra (would that be an excuse or just a fact?), I change moods quite quickly sometimes.

Don’t worry, usually only my poor family members would see / suffer from that.

Today, the first day my boss gets back to office after being away for a month, and the first day I see him after I quit. (I quit on July 10th, and last day will be August 8th.)

I had a fairly busy morning, by 10 am, it’s already like noon.

In the afternoon in the office I was pretty calm, and telling Maurice that I am quite happy recently due to receiving so much positive energy from so many happy couples like Amanda, Yu-Guan (玉冠), Chi-Chi, Cindy, Winnie, Strawberry, Zuo-Chin (拙琴), and so many others, who made me believe that there are happy marriages in the world. Prince and princess could live happily ever after.

Because I have seen and been through so many bad cases, I do have difficulties to trust men and make commitments. In one hand, that made me an easy going person/woman to get along with; been told quite a few times that they felt amazingly relaxed with me in a short time from meeting. On the other side, I give up hope on guys, don’t believe what they say, and do things in life on my own (it has always been that way anyway); men become just my deserts, or appetite.

Ok, back to the track, I found I can jump off the topic quite easily. To cut the story short, I was trying to say that my mood turned very bad, due to something happened @ work, so, I swing from up hill to bottom down, then I gave Maurice a hard time out of nothing really.

However, to me, it’s something important, and I tried to figure out why that scenario would hurt me so much.
In the end, I tried to conclude that because my feelings were hurt, so, I was trying to look for comfort from somewhere ASAP as a survival method. As to the deep end possible causes, there could be many: I lack of self-confidence, thus I eager to please others, or I have lots of requirements on myself, therefore I have too much pressure, and so on, so on.

Another short cut to the end, I guess I am trying to say that in order to deal with life better; we should learn to be honest and love the little soft fragile us in our heart, even it’s not as pretty as we want it to be.

Now, just before I finish this article, Maurice called; sounded still in worry abut me. When talking to him, I finally was able to tell him what happened exactly that caused the whole big bomb tonight. (Don’t blame me; I didn’t even understand why I was so sad earlier tonight!!)

Maybe it’s one of the functions of writing to help people think clearly.

So, I guess I can say the answer is that my boss refused to do the hand-over of my job; plus I was assigned some urgent tasks and have to leave work late tonight. (It’s also my first day of period; I believe you girls know how uncomfortable it can be sometimes.)

And yes, I admit now I was super pissed off @ my boss, my co-workers and my job, especially when this type of shit happened, even after I have resigned!!!!!

The Wanker Debby *_*

Ps 1: Total 710 words, 2 pages of A4 size. Give yourself a big applause!!!

Ps 2: A word from Maurice to describe Debby: Capricious

Ps 3: A very beautiful pic and I think it suits this article, but too big to put up here, http://www.moonlight-visions.com/art/2D/Believe%20in%20Yourself.html

Ps 4: This article took me 2 hours of writing and fixing, and also Special Thanks to Amanda for helping to check the spelling of Wanker. It’s Australian (oz) slang.

This pic suits the sad theme very much too: http://www.theotherside.org/roots/roots_jf98.html

台長: Debby & Maurice
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