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大推~~在家健身@【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高

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【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島).....原來都是偷偷在健身!

【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島)難怪JoJo愛吃美食都不胖

JoJo公司裡的吃貨,哪裡有好吃好買的一定跑第一,工作忙碌根本沒時間上健身房,放假與下班一定要吃美食,JoJo說吃美食是人生一大樂事,也是生活與工作的動力,但也要舒壓與保持身材 除了游泳與固定健走 【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島)是JoJo減壓與保持身材的祕密 【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島)JoJo胖了不只是會顯老也會變懶惰喔!一定要養成固定的好習慣,再忙再累都要吃美食,都要紓壓與運動~~是JoJo的名言喔~~


享受美食不傷荷包: 趕快17life團購網,超低價就能買到超值的美食卷,再慢就搶不到了!限時限量的團購卷.....



  • 品號:3290562

  • 34種訓練模式
  • 15段坡度設定
  • 操作簡便 LED顯示螢幕

The Reebok GT50 Treadmill is an excellent piece of fitness equipment with a great set of features to provide you with a varied and challenging workout. The 34 different console programmes ensure you are able to vary your workout each and every time you step on to the large 48 x 140cm running deck. Coupled with the 15 levels of electronic incline and top speed of 18kp/h powered by a 2.25HP continuous duty motor, you can challenge yourself on a number of settings to really boost your cardiovascular performance. As with all our ONE Series treadmills, the GT50 includes the ONE Series cushioning system to provide you with a smooth, comfortable workout. The soft-drop folding function provides extra convenience and safety, plus the built in transport wheels allow you to move the treadmill around easily and efficiently.

Reebok GT50是ㄧ台很棒的健身器材,搭載強大的功能,提供您多樣且具有挑戰的訓練。34種不同的訓練模組搭配48X140(公分)超大跑步區域,絕對能滿足您所有需求。


All of the features included within the Reebok GT50 treadmill are easily controlled through the sleek 7" LCD console which features a cooling fan and integrated MP3 input with speakers so you can enjoy your workout even more. User feedback displays are also present including speed, time, distance and calories, plus with the hand or wireless pulse receivers you can measure your heart rate easi輕鬆贏得最新iphone!!ly and efficiently throughout your run.


.....【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島)

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分享推薦.【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島)好用.【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島)推薦.評價.熱銷.開箱文.【Reebok One Series】GT 50 跑步機 黑紅(臺灣總代理 - TAKASIMA 高島)優缺點比較


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