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citylights 的留言板
Denise, 最近聽到一個有關Stanford MBA的入學門檻...就是其實他每年收生人數不多...所以除了比GMAT(其實那個也測不出程度)外; 最重要的是申請者的年薪和原服務公司. 我已經到認為我所待的無聊小鎮好像沒有什麼可以留戀的地方; 該認識的Academics好像都看過了...或者說Networking Events都是遇到哪個熟臉孔. 不過拜他歷史悠久的古蹟...每年還是有很多觀光客或訪問學者來拜訪. 我工作上只是在等Redundancy Package而已...和尋找2006年起要作什麼呢 ?
| 2005-04-19 15:00:56
弓長 -- 德國那些 notorious的工會我常常聽 Arthur 在講, 德國人好像就是這樣, 強硬又一板一眼的。 可是他們既然車子的引擎做那麼好, 小地方幹嘛不小心一點 – 題外話, 我的小灰今天又發生問題了, 前面的左邊 signal 壞掉, Arrgh, 下次我要買 Acura MDX 還是 Toyota Prius, 再也不迷信歐洲車了。 動不動就有小問題, 煩都煩死了。 什麼? 30+ vacation days? I thought that only happened in my dream. 看來搬去歐洲似乎是個不錯的考慮, 也許我應該去 Siemens 打掃某人的辦公室和實驗室, 喂薛博士你要付我多少錢啊? 我對 Stanford 的 MBA program不熟, 不過應該什麼都很強不是嗎? 這麼說有點太過分了, 不然這麼說好了- 什麼都不弱啊。:-) 位處 the heart of Silicon Valley, technology management 應該很好才對, 我猜的。 原來世上還有 Easter Break 這種東西, 對我來說 Easter 的象徵意義不過就是 safeway超市入口那些大減價的巧克力蛋, 真羨慕你。 說到巧克力蛋, 美國都買不到健達出奇蛋, 上次從台灣進口的那些吃完了, 哪裡才買得到呢? -- DL
| 2005-03-25 15:27:25
DL, Well...people in Europe work less hard than the Americans..I have 6 weeks of paid leave per year...it is pretty standard in Europe..some company even give you an extra day for every year in service (of course they cap it to like a maximum of 40+ days). If you work in Germany your work is even better protected because you have all sorts work union to fight for employees' rights. In France, people hardly do any work in summer because everyone is on holiday. I agree I was so bored that I was looking up at Stanford's website recently...Is Staford's MBA good on techonology management ? Off to 4 days of Easter Break (that is not even part of my 6 weeks' paid leave)...haha....
| 2005-03-24 05:27:33
It’s the time of the year again, March Madness!! Albeit Stanford’s boys were ousted, the girls advanced to sweet 16 yesterday, how sweet is that? :-) Too bad we didn’t have a pool at work so I have to take notes on my brackets and watch the games by my own. BowMaster – Sometimes I would implement my codes using 3+ modern statistical methods to see whether the outcomes and conclusions are the same. Do people have more vacation days in Europe? How come I have the feeling you are visiting Asia ALL THE TIME? I wonder I wonder… With any luck you’ll be visiting Bay Area one of those days? Traveling always gives you energy and new ideas usually pop out when you don’t expect them. I hope I’d be able to go back again in September or so. Recently I am working on something related to allometric scaling and it’s very interesting to know that in real life we actually try to solve problems in a very simple way, although there are many different complicated approaches in theory. --DL
| 2005-03-23 09:03:16
DL, I was so bored while reading up the technical manual we produce for the customers, that I end up 'researching on the subject' myself.... I was reading up on securtiy & encryption...and I admit most of the time, I am using company's software & resources to do my own research nowadays...(They exploit me, I exploit them as well...the feeling is "mutual"). I think I have all the time in the world at my present post to do the things I like to, but I know the exit time point is near for me. I will go on my own accord sometime towards the end of this year so as to go back to graduate school in Spring 2006. I am off to Singapore-Taipei-Japan on my 'fact finding' trip in May..who knows I might have even more 'career options' after that.
| 2005-03-17 15:56:10
BowMaster -- One of my volleyball teammates was talking to me on MSN yesterday about whether we want to sign up for next season or so, we were chatting about talents. I was confused, I told her I never feel I am talented on anything and if you really want me to name one and only if working can be categorized as one, I think I am good at working. :-) I always have my tasks done efficiently and nicely. I lead the team, I work independently, I am not a workaholic but I am always accountable. I have a feeling that you are the same kind. You’ll probably read technical textbooks and learning new stuff after work as I do. - DL
| 2005-03-16 06:57:54
DL, 其實發現在哪一個組織或行業待久了..工作量和責任或增加 (說難聽一點-雜事一堆). 我現在的態度是把工作當作遊戲- 反正好像很簡單, 一邊還是準備選擇時間點離開- 回去校園裡重新開始唸書進修去了. 現在下班後的嗜好是---玩所有Open-Source的Freeware和唸統計的書...(好像還是改不了Coding Monkey的壞習慣)
| 2005-03-10 14:39:55
Technical Writing 真是很難。 已經請老闆幫我買了一套書可以好好讀一讀。 我也想要有好的 writing style 啊。 弓長 -- 最近這兩個星期都在忙同一個 project。 明天要當日來回 San Jose - San Diego 做簡報, 其實現在 presentation 我已經不害怕了呢, 兵來將擋水來土淹, 倒是一心沉醉於寫作, 想要發展出自己的 style 來。 我發現即便是 technical writing 還是有優美與不優美之分。 我的老闆是一個寫作的高手, 他寫的 protocol 就是比別人的"漂亮", 嗯我也要朝這個方向好好努力。 當科學家很好啊, 我覺得書讀的多的人講話都好有魅力喔。 知識就是力量一點也沒錯 ! - DL
| 2005-03-08 11:31:03
哦..剛剛看了你所抱怨的工作內容...其實很有原創性 (大概是我改不了當年作Biochemist的壞習慣). 我現在的工作無聊變成就是Generic Software Engineer...在Testing Cycles/Release Deadlines之間打轉...去年有個同事離職後.現在連Technical Documentation/Online Help Center 也要插一手. 看來我還是早日乖乖回去作科學家好了
| 2005-02-28 03:05:50
今天是星期四, women's volleyball league。 打完以後我只想回家休息, 可是大家照例想聚一下吃吃東西, 以前我總是很不合群地就回家了。 今天例外, 我去了, 吃了東西, 害我現在睡不著了。 Harvard 校長和教授之間的爭論還有幾個 follow-up 蠻有意思的, 大家有空可以看看。 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/22/science/22phys.html http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/23/education/23harvard.html 天氣快變好, 我想要打網球!
| 2005-02-25 17:28:29
Dear J Wu the fishtailor -- 是的, 你就是那 guinea pig! 自從上星期 T 君回去以後雨就沒有停過, 是他把加州的好天氣偷到密西根了嗎? 請幫我好好拷問他。 螃蟹的季節到了, 前幾天我做了兩隻吃吃, 味道不賴, 就等你來吃我做的螃蟹啦。 有關螃蟹和龍蝦的小道 http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/02/15/lobster.pain.ap/index.html Am I a nerd or what? :-) -- D
| 2005-02-22 05:34:40
Guinea Pig 是我嗎?真是太榮幸了.說不定我也可以貢獻貢獻!
| 2005-02-22 03:59:10
丹妮絲姐姐: 好久沒來了, 想不到妳的板還是如此熱絡.
| 2005-01-04 15:36:35

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