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麋鹿拉雪橇撞死奶奶?恐怖聖誕歌遭禁 - 黃金俱樂部GoldenClub ~蝦丸~

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麋鹿拉雪橇撞死奶奶?恐怖聖誕歌遭禁 - 黃金俱樂部GoldenClub ~蝦丸~



英國南約克郡一間小學,準備舉辦聖誕演唱會,老師特別挑選了1970年代一首輕快的美國聖誕老歌《奶奶被麋鹿輾死了》(Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer),給小朋友練唱。但同學們卻因為歌詞中說聖誕老人出巡時常用麋鹿拉雪橇,結果麋鹿黃金俱樂部GoldenClub 撞死了喝醉酒的奶奶。家長在家裡聽了歌詞深感不舒服,進而投訴。家長們認為,對於7歲孩子來說,這首歌的歌詞大「傷感」。


《Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer》
Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Walking home from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.

She'd been drinking too much egg nog,
And we'd begged her not to go.
But she forgot her medication,
And she staggered out the door into the snow.

When we found her Christmas morning,
At the scene of the attack.
She had hoof prints on her forehead,
And incriminating Cl黃金俱樂部GoldenClub aus marks on her back.

Now were all so proud of Grandpa,
He's been taking this so well.
See him in there watching football,
Drinking beer and playing cards with cousin Mel.

It's not Christmas without Grandma.
All the family's dressed in black.
And we just can't help but wonder:
Should we open up her gifts or send them back? (send them back!)

Now the goose is on the table
And the pudding made of fig.
And t黃金俱樂部GoldenClub he blue and silver candles,
That would just have matched the hair in Grandma's wig.

I've warned all my friends and neighbours.
" Better watch out for yourselves."
They should never give a license,
To a man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves.

台長: 諾亞
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