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2008-06-09 22:37:17| 人氣99| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wuxi =))

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erm, yesterday we went overnight at wei’s house!

i cant sleep till 3:40... TT
and they slept on like 2 something...
well, i was so bored,
so i reviewed and recalled some memories between us!
was like so touch =//

then i woke up on 7:20
as i need to go to wuxi with my family...
and cant go to ktv with them!! T.T

i was so tiring, as i only slept for 3 hours!
listening to songs on the way there...
oh, well, i just realized that
we were going to visit my dad’s collegue’s kampung!
it is not really big,
but the village is fully-crops and melons! lol

then, we had our lunch there...
20 something dishes were being served...
wow =O we cant really finish it,
some were yummy yummy larr =))

oh yeah, forgot to mention that
i knew a new Singaporean’s gurl...
hehe =)) her name is Charleen=))

however, after lunch,
we went to the 农务博览馆。
(wow, i lurve the melon’s shape!!)
(well... this is the "monkey cup"...
why is it being called as monkey cup??
i think this is what monkey usually use to drink water...

and this could be found in my hometown...

was so awesom! we pluged a lot (from my ht)
but, not as big as the one above!
OMGsh... i looked like grown-up!
i hate it so much =////

my statistic: ppl who live in china look more mature...
than ppl who live in malaysia...
as the weather in malaysia was so humid...
i miss malaysia’s weather...
the weather without four seasons!

btw, going back in three weeks time =))

unfortunately, it was raining...
so, we gotta go back earlier! TT

well, not going back to suzhou yet...
going back to my dad’s collegue’s house!
i helped them to make the dumplings~~
was pretty cool!
and it tastes better than what i thoughts!

and was so tiring on the way to home =//

hehe =))

as a conclusion,
today was awesom~

firstly~ school cancelled
2ndly~ went to wuxi instead of staying in suzhou!

台長: Chien Luan
人氣(99) | 回應(2)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 生活中的完美 :) |

Ah Lu
i <3 WX
2008-06-10 16:11:41
oh, yeah
it was ur old-town =]]
miss wuxi??

oh...i probably gonna miss you if u leave suzhou too!! TT
2008-06-10 21:21:35
lol,really look like malaysia
i thought your sis`s butt hurts...(still can walk?)
Tell your sis that she looks good in the pics :p
(she is wearing the same clothing as today,did she even wash her clothes?)
U look more mature and darker than usual.
2008-06-10 19:58:13
miss malaysia so much larr!!

erm, i think she went to massage her body/// hehe =]]

yeah, i told her that!!

and i hate mature =(((
looks like aunty larr...
but i still can accept that i looked really dark/// hehe =))
2008-06-10 21:32:18
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