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2002-08-18 21:04:52| 人氣35| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

遍體鱗傷 Black and Blue

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從一個舊式『糖果盒』帶出的深刻回憶,新的『數烏鴉』合唱團帶來了一張新樂風與前幾張專輯不同的音樂質感,益發成熟多變的編曲,敘事性依舊,樂器配置更加豐富飽滿,同名單曲「Hard Candy」的靈感來自抽屜裡一張以前巡迴演出時,女友的一張在湖邊的照片勾起許多的回憶,整張專輯是以回憶為主題,就如主音歌手Adam所說的「Hard Candy is memory -- this sweet thing that you can relive, but it hurts, especially in this case. It's just the same hard candy that you're remembering again.」,我最愛專輯裡的第十首的『遍體鱗傷 Black and Blue』,它談的是人的脆弱,從一女孩的故事談自殺的主題,Adam說他並不是要寫一首很了不起有關自殺的歌曲,它不過是讓你對這故事覺得感傷而更去思考自殺這件事,我們都不願看到摯友留下寫著我已厭倦所有且再也沒有感覺的告別字條,每每聽到「To fall down on your knees. Cut your hands .Cut yourself until you bleed.」音樂裡的心疼情緒都讓我覺得泫然欲泣......

Black and Blue (Counting Crows)

Fading everything to black and blue
You look a lot like you'd
Shatter in the blink of an eye
You keep sailing right on through
Every time you say you're learning
You just look a lot like me
Pale under the blistering sky
White and red
Black and blue

You've been waiting a long time
You've been waiting a long time
To fall down on your knees
Cut your hands
Cut yourself until you bleed
Fall asleep next to me
Wait for everyone to go away
And in a dimly lit
room where you've got nothing to hide
Say your goodbyes
Tell yourself we'll read
a note that says
I'm sorry everyone
I'm tired of feeling nothing goodbye
Wash your face
Dry your eyes
Cause you've been waiting a long time
You've been waiting a long long time
To fall down on your knees
Cut your hands
Cut yourself until you bleed
But fall asleep next to me
And Have a dream I'm falling down
On my face
I Scrape my knees
I Scrape my hands until they bleed
Cause you're fast asleep next to me
Next to me
Next to me
Next to me

台長: Jesse
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