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2006-02-14 21:12:55| 人氣55| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Love Never End 《 愛無止境》

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最近...我找到我很喜歡ㄉ一首英文歌...叫做Love Never End


You know how I feel about you. 你知道我對你的感覺
You know how much I need you. 你知道我多麼需要你
when you looking at me baby. 當你注視著我, 寶貝
I know you’re the one I need. 我知道你是我的真命天子

You know how I feel about you. 你知道我對你的感覺
You know how much I miss you. 你知道我多麼想念你
when you walking to me baby Oh Yeah. 當你走向我的時候, 噢 寶貝
I know I’m falling in love with you. 我明瞭我已經愛上你了

Now that I’m here for you. 我只為你存在
I’ll never let you go. 我不願讓你離我遠去
you’ll always be the one for me. 你是我的唯一
Oh and I. 而我
I just want to tell you I love you. 我只想告訴你我愛你
No one can love you like I do. 沒人能夠比我還愛你
Oh and I. 而我
I just want to have you my baby. 我只想擁有你
Your love, your soul, belongs to me. 你的愛 你的靈魂 與我相依

You know how I feel about you. 你知道我對你的感覺
You know how much I miss you. 你知道我多麼想念你
when you talking to me baby Oh Yeah. 當你與我輕語呢喃之時
I know I’m falling in love with you. 我知道我已經愛上了你

Now that I’m here for you. 現在, 我只為你而存在
I’ll never let you go. 我不會讓你離我遠去
you’ll always be the one for me. 你是我的唯一
Oh and I. 而我
I just want to tell you I love you. 我想告訴你我愛你
No one can love you like I do. 沒有人比我還愛你
Oh and I. 而我
I just want to have you my baby. 我只想擁有你 我的寶貝
Your love, your soul, belongs to me. 你的愛 你的靈魂 與我相依
也希望大家ㄉ另一半對你Love Never End....情人節快樂....

台長: ~婷~
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