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2004-07-28 05:46:26
2004-07-28 02:15:53

Lomo wanna be 02

Number TWO Wildfire in teh back of the building on the way back from Pismo Beach

2004-07-28 01:39:18

Lomo wanna be

I just got a new Photoshop Action from internet and now it's even harder for me to wait for my real LOMO LC-A now...... 三個星期.....等死我也

2004-07-24 15:31:12

5th anniversary

there's nothing to do with the pic I post only because it's the number of 5.....yeah, kinda cheezy = kobe drove in through 5 people.....haha Here comes the reason why July 23rd. is my 5th anniversa...

2004-07-23 02:32:55


謝啦! 繼續努力。

2004-07-22 08:32:22


Forwarded by my Pops~ Pic: Pismo Beach 的地痞... ********************************************************* BEAUTY PARLOR: A place where women curl up and dye. CANNIBAL: Someone who is fed ...

2004-07-22 06:17:52

暗到深處無怨尤 後續 後續 後續

除了全額退款進帳,二張九月四日的演唱會票也到手了! Nice~ link: Projekt Revolution: http://www.projektrevolution.com/index.php KROQ: http://kroq.com/kroqnow/kroqnow.html

2004-07-22 06:08:57

Ofoto Rules

從買了數位相機(SONY P-1)到現在四年多了,在Ofoto.com上放照片也快四年了,可以看的放在Ofoto的也超過四千張了(見圖),而且照片經過網站的調整己縮水了但是也有四片光碟的量!繼續加油! 特別推薦 www.Ofoto.com...

2004-07-22 05:47:38

Pismo Beach 11

After first rough night, we tried to find another camp sight cuz there're thousands of bies and cars coming back and forth alond the freaking beach. But we couldn't find one...... We finally got ...

2004-07-22 05:29:16

Pismo Beach 10


2004-07-22 05:21:38
2004-07-22 05:20:14

Pismo Beach 08

陰天的陽光依舊強烈,曬的我眼冒金星,臉紅耳赤... P.S.don't you get a feeling of Claude Monet? wahahaha

2004-07-22 05:15:27

Pismo Beach 07

then we got a little buzzed by icy cold beer....

2004-07-22 05:12:57

Pismo Beach 06

費了些時間,總算找到一塊沙灘落腳,離海水近了點兒,但是大夥都信心滿滿都認為漲潮的時候是不會淹到我們的帳蓬的!(暗!晚上天還沒全黑,海水就滿到腳邊了,只好向後退十五公尺。) 接下來就埋鍋造飯、五個人帶了...

2004-07-22 04:38:37

Pismo Beach 05

yeah, we're stuck... P.S. 中間的白色卡車正在搭救我們。

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