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2006-01-20 11:31:02| 人氣281| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

19 Jan 2006 @ 5.18p.m.

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I was shocked when I received your email, telling me that you had been hang in your resignation letter to Human Resources Department.

Nope of the face expression show at that moment, I can say that. I am just ‘hang’ there, like the time stop by Unknown mighty power. I am totally ‘hang’ there, like PC HANG!

So shock even when I saw you ‘face to face’, seeing you backing your stuffs, leaving the library and rush for your class. I am sure no face expression at all on my face! I couldn’t recover from this shock so fast.

Please give me some time to get it out from this ‘hang + shock’ situation. When I started to ask you some ‘normal’ question like others did, probably at that time I already ‘recover’ from the shock.

So, please spend some time with me to answering those ‘normal’ questions, like any plans after resign, what’s makes you resign,…& etc. Okay, dear?

May be you will ask yourself, “Why CC feels so shock?”. Ok, let me tell you, it is because You Mean A Lot To Me!

Anyway, wishing first,
Hope you will get the better future and more and more happy & Happiness around you now & forever!

台長: flyccblue
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