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2002-08-01 21:27:21| 人氣62| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Maybe I'll never be able to appreciate some people's talents.

However other people praise about them, how come it's just so plain for me.

How come I just hate those high superb bubbly words?

Everything so high, so elegant, pure, delicate
actually, for me, is empty and tasteless . . .

Things that are high, elegant, pure, and delicate for me is an old British white-headed gentleman sitting in a big chair with a loving smile on his face,
the semi-transparent squid swimming in the surface of the ocean, reflecting the sunshine shooting through the sea water and swimming elegantly with ever-changing enchanting colors.

Or just a rose smiling to the light of the sunrise.

Who's more alone?

I'll never dip myself into those high-browed life again.

I'll just wear hot clothes, dye my hair, listen to pop music, and watch VCD instead of reading books.

Fairwell, empty.

I'll never be able to appreciate many things I guess.
Maybe that's why I just can't stop being "mean".

台長: capriccios
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