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2011-05-24 13:16:33| 人氣98| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Same shoes she wore that night

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I really miss her..the girl in the photo.............hahahaha

We only sort of met up twice..maybe that was it...kinda over?

I made a mistake that day..I was so silly but I acted based on what I was told

she was not so ill-tempered..kinda nice..but I blew it up..I was so silly

haha..nope...I won't give up till she or I get married..ha

as long as I have a chance...I may try to get to know her..




today a Korean celebrity killed herself..gosh..she was only 29....she was smart

to think of covering herself with a quilt jumping down from the 19th story building

the rumor says she was dumped by a 23 year old basketball player

she should have looked at the positive side...sigh............

since we are alive,we must try to find more ways out..

I pray for all those people suffering much can have a better life in their next life


台長: 吉他手
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