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【最近流行商品】Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot 超人氣商品網購人氣商品



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Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot 設計式樣: anthrazit/panama · 2019

Being mobile from the very first day of life - the stylish ReSea that comes with a carrycot for newborn babies and can later be used as an agile pushchair with seat unit accompanies you and your little one for a very long time.

Tiny humans will enjoy their first rides in the large comfort carrycot. The new, trendy fabrics, which are easy to clean, are a great eye-catcher. The full rubber wheels with suspension provide a comfortable ride on all roads. The swivel front wheels can be locked if necessary. The simple chassis and trendy details such as the front bar and the push bar with a faux-leather cover and the Moon logo do not only add a stylish touch to the ReSea, but also make it one of a kind.

The trendy sport seat comes with a comfortable padding. The flexible use of the seat unit in either a rear-facing or forward-facing mode will delight your little explorer. Other features such as the backrest, which can be adjusted to a full reclining position, the adjustable footrest, the three-point belt to fasten your child with and a protective canopy with climate zone and 50+ sun protection contribute to having many relaxed strolls with your little darling. The ReSea can also be folded and waits, together with the sport seat, for the next fun trip.

For parents, the parking brake, the large shopping basket, the height-adjustable telescopic push bar and a small folding size are important criteria when buying a stroller - this is where this amazing everyday companion by the manufacturer Moon gets the full score.

Tip - by using the universal adaptor included in delivery, you can quickly and easily transform the stroller into a travel system.


  • Suitable from birth up to maximum weight of 15kg

  • Including ReSea aluminium carrycot

  • Including sports seat, foldable with chassis, convertible

  • Including universal adaptor (suitable for infant car seat by Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Kiddy, Recaro and BeSafe)

  • Including rain cover and shopping basket

  • Footrest and backrest can be adjusted to lying position

  • Removable, swivel front bar, three-point belt

  • Canopy with viewing panel / climate zone and sun protection 50+

  • Full rubber wheels with suspension, removable, front 18cm, rear 24.5cm, lockable swivel front wheels

  • Dimensions: 111.5 x 57 x 52 cm, folding size 51 x 28 x 88 cm

  • Weight: 11 kg, with 14 kg carrycot




Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot





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Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

推薦, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

討論, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

部落客, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

比較評比, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

使用評比, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

開箱文, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

?推薦, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carryco搶購送禮t超人氣商品網購人氣商品

評測文, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

CP值, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

評鑑大隊, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

部落客推薦, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot

好用嗎?, Moon Multi-Functional Stroller ReSea including Carrycot


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