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2004-06-16 07:03:02| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I FINALLY saw Lord of the Rings 3!!!

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I FINALLY saw "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" today. The movie was absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! I won't go on about how it's the perfect movie because it has everything: action, romance, drama, comedy, good plot, and good theme. Anyway, before I invited friends to watch it with me, but I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad they couldn't make it. because that would be SOOOOOOOOO embarassing! I cried when Frodo was yelling at Sam, telling him to go home, I was jumping up and down screaming, "RUUUUNN!! FRODO RUUUNNN!!! KILL SMEAGOL!! KILL HIM!!! NO!! DON'T LET HIM GO!!!!!" "COME ON EOWYN!! STAB HIM!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!" "RUNNN!! PIPPIN, DOOOOON'T!!" "KILL SMEAGOL, KILL THAT MONSTER!!!!" Oh and we were even doing out chants, "Let's go Samwise, LET'S GO!!" Man, that movie is like American Idol, controls your feelings and stuff. It made me feel every feeling that exists: sad, happy, mad, anxious, excited, scared, frustrated, oh and that wonderful feeling when Legolas was onscreen. :) Hehe, but that is DEFINITELY the BEST movie EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!! You HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO watch it!! I don't want to write anymore, that way you'll have time to watch it! :)

台長: Moi!!
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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