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2006-05-05 01:59:45 | 人氣11| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Morning surprise!

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What would you expect to see when you draw your curtain
aside as soon as getting out of bed in the early morning?
This morning, I have to say, I was astonished, almost
felt like I might have been dreaming, when I looked out
of my window... I used to check how it looked outside
as soon as I got up so that I could decide what to wear,
and what kind of mood I would hold.
(ie. my mood is kind of depending on the weather condition)
What did I see, anyway? You won't believe until you see
the photo below...

4 ducks under the shadow of a tree!!
It may not be so strage to see ducks outside your window
if you're living in the wood or by a lake.
Yet, what outside my window is nothing but a car park!
Is it normal to see ducks lying in your car park? @@"
I figure those ducks shoud be wild birds rather than pets...
They're so cute, aren't they? ^^
What a lovely morning! I was amazed by England again...

台長: 碧翠絲
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