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2003-05-27 11:42:48| 人氣24| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

When You Came Along, Adam...

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Once my life was full of pain
It never stopped to shield the rain
Every night I prayed for an end
But no one came to fix or mend

All my emotions, I hid inside
It was the only place I knew to hide
When I closed my eyes to imagine the good life
All I could see was black and white

When you came along
All I knew was wrong
You put a twinkle in my eye
And now I feel as though I can fly

I was a girl without a smile
When I think of you, I do all the while
I thought that Love was just a stranger
we have met and now good friends, I can wager

When I met you, I thought it was a dream
Open my eyes but you are still here, or so it seems
Now when I pray it is to be with you
Together at last beneath the big blue moon

My dreams are no longer black and white
But are filled with emotion and colorful light
Now all I can say is thank you so much
For showing me you care when all was so tough

台長: ~*Gloria*~
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