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2007-03-20 17:01:13| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

part8-13 Last train to London

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13 - Last train to London --- Electric Light Orchestra

It was 9:29... 9:29, back street, big city
The sun was going down
There was music all around
It felt so right

It was one of those nights, one of those nights
When you feel the world stop turning
You were standing there
There was music in the air
I should have been away
But I knew I had to stay

*Last train to London, just heading out
Last train to London, just leaving town
But I really want tonight to last forever
I really want to be with you
Let the music play on down the line tonight.

It was one of those nights ,one of those nights
When you feel the fire burning
Everybody was there
Everybody to share
It was so right

There you were on your own
Looking like you were the only one around
I had to be with you
Nothing else that I could do
I should have been away
But I knew I had to stay (*)

Underneath a starry sky
Time was still but hours must really have rushed by
I didn't realize
But love was in your eyes
I really should have gone
But love went on and on (*)

But I really want tonight to last forever
I really want to be with you
Let the music play on down the line tonight

台長: 亞瑟
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: english_part8 |
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此分類上一篇:part8-12 Knock three time

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