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2006-10-16 09:46:06| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Knock three time

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Knock three time --- Tony Orlando & Dawn

Hey girl what you doing down there ?
Dancing alone every night
While I live right above you

**I can hear the music playing
I can feel your body swaying
One floor below me
You don't even know me I love you

*Oh my darling
Knocks three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is no
Oh my sweetness, knocks three times
Means you'll meet me in the hallway
Twice on the pipe
Means you ain't gonna show

If you look out your window tonight
Pull in the string with the note
That's attached to my heart
Read how many times I saw you
How in my silence I adored you
And only in my dreams
Did that wall between us come apart ? ( * )
Source : http://www.tacocity.com.tw/abs1984/s51.htm

Tony Orlando 的故事 (蔣國男主持)

台長: 亞瑟
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