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2015-07-02 22:03:44

Hammer Toes Causes

Overview Hammertoes deformities can be painful and unsightly. These toe deformities can be the result of a muscle/tendon imbalance or often the end stage result of some systemic disease such as diabe...

2015-06-06 16:04:25

Bunions Treatment

Overview Bunions are common but they can be misdiagnosed. We sometimes assume that any lump at the bottom of the big toe is a bunion. But as the Latin name (hallux valgus) suggests, the hallmark of...

2015-04-30 14:29:55

The Facts In Relation To Ruptured Achilles Tendons

Overview Many of the muscles that move the foot are found in the lower leg. These muscles attach via tendons to various bones in the foot. The main muscles that move the foot downwards (plantar fle...

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